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Journalism at Staffordshire University

April 27, 2015 Emma 0

Having come to Staffordshire University through clearing, I can now honestly say that I’m so glad I did. I study an NCTJ accredited BA (Hons) Journalism degree, which is three years long. Although Staffs wasn’t […]

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Trentham Gardens and the Monkey Forest!

April 27, 2015 Emma 0

When it comes to attractions one thing always comes to mind when anyone mentions Stoke: Alton Towers. Another attraction that doesn’t get nearly as much credit at it deserves is the Monkey Forest in Trentham […]

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Changing degree courses

April 20, 2015 Josh 0

Picking a degree to study is a decision we have all made at least once, however I personally have made this decision two times and some of my friends have made this decision even three times. Before I […]

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Living in Halls

April 20, 2015 Charlize 0

I can remember living in halls last year like it was yesterday! Flat parties and all our housemates going out together for a birthday meal. The thing I disliked most about halls was my bedroom, […]

Students working on computers in the Thompson Library

How to Survive an All Nighter

April 7, 2015 Charlize 0

Exams are coming up which means more frequent trips to the library and all nighters in order to get assignments and revision done. I personally do not have any exams, only assignments but I do […]