
Charlize in her cap and gown at Trentham GardensThis week many students have had that amazing experience of graduating including me and the great thing about it is that I get to graduate twice and I’m doing a top up year in September.

Honestly, last year I would never have imagined that I would be graduating but I buckled down and did what I had to do in order to get to that end goal. As tiring and exhausting assignments and revision is it’ll all be worth it once you’re up on stage wearing your gown knowing that you done what you thought you couldn’t.

picture of the gardens in trentham gardensGraduation takes place at Trentham gardens which is absolutely stunning, my mother didn’t even want to leave! There’s a beautiful river with plants all over and water foundation in between some of the plants. As the weather was very nice and hot that made the plants stand out even more and luckily my hay fever wasn’t acting up so I was able to get close and take some photos of the scenery.

For those who have never been to a graduation before you should really experience it at least once in your life even if it’s yours (some people don’t attend their graduations). The atmosphere will be lovely as all the parents and students are excited and happy to know that the 2+ years they have spent in university hasn’t gone to waste.

In regards to clothing, graduation is a formal event but ladies if you cannot walk in heels please wear flats as nobody wants to fall in front of everyone which unfortunately happened to one of the students. (I didn’t laugh, I promise!) many of the females wear a nice dress or a skirt and the men wear suits or a shirt with trousers and a tie.

For those of you who have graduated, congratulations! For those of you still studying next year don’t give up! Your time is coming soon and all your hard work will be worth it!