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What To Pack For University

August 24, 2015 Charlize 0

There are so many things that I wish I had (and hadn’t) packed for university but luckily you have me to help you decide! You don’t want to pack too much as you have to […]

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Top things to pack for University

August 24, 2015 Annrose 0

So you have gotten your place at university and have sorted your accommodation out and it’s finally starting to sink in…you’re going to uni! First of all, congratulations! Now, it’s time to think of what […]

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Student Discounts and Budgeting!

August 13, 2015 Emma 0

There are always some amazing deals out there for students, some are easy to find, and some are a little harder. With so much food, clothing and jewelry at cheaper rates for students on offer, […]

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Ways To Save And Spend

August 12, 2015 Charlize 0

As exciting as most of us get when we realise that our student loan has dropped, we soon discover that all the things we were planning on buying becomes a dream and we have to […]

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Clearing FAQ

August 10, 2015 Emma 0

As part of my work with the ‘Clearing Experts’ I’ve been responding to people on The Student Room who have questions about Clearing, and have noticed that there is a trend in the questions that […]

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Time flies when you’re having fun

August 3, 2015 Emma 0

I’m now going into my third and final year at university, and I am petrified. Mostly of whether I’ll pass or not and the work ahead but also because I know that all the drinking […]