Onto the next one

Wooden sign saying Welcome to Springetts

Wooden matchbox saying welcome to springetts

After a lovely 2 week break I have just started my next placement. I am working for a design agency called Springetts in a bustling area of London near Baker Street. I was spotted by one of the junior designers that works there at the D&AD exhibition in London back in July. He really liked my work and after a short chat we exchanged business cards. I later contacted him enquiring about a placement at his company, I was then asked to go in for an interview with a senior designer to show them my portfolio. They liked what they saw (my work) and thought I would fit into the company with my enthusiasm and chatty nature.

After just 3 days I am really enjoying myself and have already been brought on board to start working on some great design projects. They have already given me design responsibilities and I have been briefed on the next project to start thinking of ideas, which is my favourite part of the design process. Hopefully I will excel at this task and prove myself to be a good designer and team member.

If you haven’t read my previous blogs, I am a graphic design graduate currently undergoing a number of placements/ internships at design agencies in London. Hopefully one of these placements will lead to a full time junior design role, I am hoping to be in full time work by around March but as I am enjoying working at all of these great studios I won’t be too disheartened if I were to not find a job until the middle of next year.

During my two weeks off I spent some time researching some agencies to apply to. I sent out numerous emails and have had a response from three so far, one said they will bare me in mind when they have places. Another I have an interview with tomorrow during my lunch break and the final one I have secured a 2 week placement with in January.

Wish me luck for tomorrow.