Braving the weather on TV shoot

First year BSc Hons Film Production students Alex de Jesus Egan and Thomas Andrews on set

First year BSc Hons Film Production students Alex de Jesus Egan and Thomas Andrews on set

Charlie, Georgia and Richie have been braving the weather on the shoot of a television crime series for Sky and Foxtel being shot in the North West.

Students from Film Production and Television Production courses are helping to film Crimes That Shook Australia and eariler in the week Charlie Rowlands got hands on experience working as a runner alongside film directors and producers as they re-created a series of dramatic reconstructions for the award winning TV series.

Last night Georgia Boughey-Sandel and Richie Howle joined a night shoot at a remote location in the wilds of the North West,  recreating some of the most shocking crimes in history.

The filming kicked off early evening and went on late into the night. Richie said: “I had great fun alongside the cast and crew and very much hope I get another opportunity to join them again for more work experience.”

Georgia added: “”Working with Title Role was a brilliant experience. Seeing what it’s like to be on a real set and work with a professional crew was fantastic. I learnt a lots while on set and hope to work with them again very soon.”

The shoots are ongoing and students from BSc (Hons) Film Production and BSc (Hons) Televsion Production students will continue their work experience in the New Year.

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