Celebrity Big Brother

Megan McKenna in the Celebrity Big Brother Diary Room 2016
Megan McKenna in the Celebrity Big Brother Diary Room 2016 - Channel 5
Megan McKenna in the Celebrity Big Brother Diary Room 2016 - Channel 5
Megan McKenna in the Celebrity Big Brother Diary Room 2016 – Channel 5


This year I’m sure a lot of us are tuning into CBB as even I myself can’t deny, it’s very entertaining however the housemates haven’t been in very long and there has been ALOT of confrontations.

The confrontation that has caused controversy particularly for Megan was the argument between her and Tiffany in the bedroom where they had to be separated and Megan was isolated from the house due to her behaviour. Megan later on called Tiffany “ghetto” in the diary room which has sparked racism rows. As a WOC, I myself was not offended as we all say things we don’t mean when angry, however we just need to be mindful that some words may come across more hurtful to some than others.

The point of this blog is to remind people that although it may seem small or harmless to you, the smallest words or actions can create a big effect or taken out of proportion. Many of us don’t think before we act which can cause uneccessary problems and fueds.

Here are a few steps of how to be mindful:

  1. Train yourself and your mind: Pay attention to detail of the things that you do everyday, you may notice something that you want to change or improve on in your routine.
  2. Train yourself to be mindful in short sessions as you don’t want to do too much to soon.
  3. Listen to people: This is important as sometimes when others are talking we sub conconsiously think about what they’re saying before taking it all in and end up misinterpreting what they said which is how arguments happen.
  4. Be aware of your own feelings: What makes you unhappy, what makes you happy? Feed into all the positive things in your life.

I hope these steps will help you to consider others feelings and well as help you to consider your own.