Exam week


A few blank sheets ready for been filled in a exam.
Exam time already!!!!


So after three weeks at home with my family it was time return to university for exam week. I would like to say I had a very relaxing three weeks but I was revising frantically for the exams. For this exam session I had two exams each of which were 1 and a half hours. My exams were on the Tuesday and Wednesday of exam week and now it does feel good that they are over.

The last few days before the exam were very stressful, cramming in last minute revision and ensuring it is memorised. This led me to be pacing up and down my room most of the day and waking up at 5 in the morning reciting the names and dates of studies.

This was similar to my desk at one point.
This was similar to my desk at one point.


After the first exam I had less than 24 hours until the next, but lots of revision to do. I did not leave it all to the last minute, but I still felt like I had too much to do. I was however a little more relaxed after the first one. Part of that was that I had done one exam so I was 50% through the exams. Also I then knew how the second one would work logistically as I have slightly different exam arrangements, so I was not with anyone I knew. Not that it is any different in the actual exam but I didn’t have anyone to find the room with or to find where to sit. I was also relieved that my brain had actually worked in the exam. That might sound a bit strange but when I am over stressed I do find that my brain doesn’t retain very much and I was worried I would go blank in the exam.

After the second one there was a feeling of relief but there was also a strange feeling which I think was the loss of the frantic revision. Revision had taken over my life to the point that I only stopped to make food and even then I would read my revision cards while it was cooking and then I would eat in my room while revising some more. I wouldn’t say this is the best way to do it, but when I get started I tend to plough on until I am sure I know enough. So suddenly after the exam I could do what I wanted again (within reason), especially as lectures don’t start until the week after exam week.

I would just like to mention about LSA’s (Learning Support Agreements) for anyone who might be reading this, worried that they have a problem which may hold them back which is entirely out of their control. The university are brilliant at ensuring everyone has a level playing field, as it were. This means that anyone who has a disability in any way, shape or form can get the extra help to ensure they do not have a disadvantage. The enabling centre completes an assessment with those who ask for extra help to see what help can be put in place. In terms of exams this could be extra time, rest breaks, being in a separate room or a multitude of other things. Also there are extenuating circumstances forms which can be filled out if for some reason you are not able to take the exam or something happened to prevent you from doing your best for example a bereavement or illness.

Overall, the exams definitely were not as bad as I had imagined and I hope that I have done enough not to have to retake them. Now I am looking forward to a new semester with some new modules.

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About Alexandra 49 Articles
Hi, I’m Alexandra! Studying Psychology (BSc) in my second year, but in my spare time I enjoy baking, reading and walking in the countryside! I’m a member of the Psychology Society, and I hope to study a Masters and PhD when I graduate and then one day, to be a Psychology Researcher – it can really help to change people’s lives! My guilty pleasure is chocolate, I love it too much!