Media City Day 2

Level 4 radio production students outside BBC Radio

After the adventures in Manchester on day one, it was going to be hard to beat the fun that we had had. It was a bizarre and interesting day that I still look back on with a huge smile. We started the morning in the hostel, surprisingly the girls and the teachers were the only ones that actually made it to breakfast. Breakfast in the hostel was interesting but it felt like guide camp and it was kind of fun to be nostalgic.

We then hopped on a tram (which I still can’t get over the fact there were trams in Manchester) and made our way to media city. The home of the BBC and ITV. It was stunning and the excitement filled the class the moment we saw the radio studios.

Level 4 radio production students outside BBC Radio

We had a few hours to kill before our tour around the BBC so we went our separate ways and I ended up with the teachers and a trip to the imperial war museum. It was so moving and interesting to see so many historical artfiacts! It was great to spend some time with the teachers in a relaxed environment. At Staffs our teachers are always very close to us regardless, they look after us and are incredibly caring, they are parents away from home so it was nice to just have some time with them.

Radio Production teachers in the museum

It was a funny couple of hours wandering around the museum and it was hilarious to have some priceless moments with my tutors. We then headed back to the BBC to meet with the class and go on the tour. Which was incredible, we visited the BBC Six Music studios as well as the set for the BBC’s sports shows and the BBC Breakfast set. It was amazing to see everything that goes into creating things that we are so used to seeing on the television. To finish the tour, we got to experience what it would be like to be presenters for the breakfast show and we watched fellow blogger Jaz, and Alex and Nathan from my class pretend they were presenting the breakfast show!

Level 4 radio production students pretending to present

Our trip was incredible and I cannot wait to see where we will go in the next couple of years!



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About Rebecca 24 Articles
Currently studying Radio Production