Should you give up Social Media?

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Is social media really that addictive? Does it control a large percentage of our lives as many people claim?

Girls sitting together in the science centre

Yes. Well for me it does. I have finally decided to give up social media after contemplating it for so long.

I can honestly say it has been so refreshing not living life through a screen. I will admit some days I do find myself tempted to get it back but then I just remind myself how much it often filled me with negativity. Not everything on the internet is positive as most people know, you will sometimes find yourself drawing other people’s negative energy into your aura.

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If you want to reduce the negative energy but still want to keep your social media then here are some tips that could help you.

  1. Follow positive, inspiring people.

    Allowing positive tweets or Instagram posts will reduce the chances of getting negative vibes. Often when people look at negative tweets it can cause a lot of drama, especially when people assume that a tweet was an ‘indirect’.

    When I had social media I made sure I followed people who I related to and whose posts left me inspired and happy.

    However I will also admit I did also follow some gossip blogs, which were not always the nicest. I kept telling myself these are just celebrities, they won’t care if people are being mean to them or laughing. Honestly this is false. Celebrities are people too, once you indulge in that negativity of gossiping and ridiculing other people’s personal misfortune then you invite horrible energy. Before you know it you may even be doing that in your daily life to colleagues. If you do like to know the latest news try and limit yourself and live your own life!.

  2. Limit your time.

    Another tip would be to limit your time on social media. If you find that you are spending your entire day on Instagram refreshing it every second, then that is TOO much time. The more time you spend on it the more time you are abandoning your other duties. Take up a hobby, you may discover a new talent.

I discovered I am actually a young Picasso…

This was meant to be Viola Davis but I know it looks more like Jackie Stallone. Apologies to them both.


                    3.  Finally, take a social media break now and again! Life still goes on beyond it.


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About Queenie 8 Articles
Broadcast Journalism Graduate 2015. Former Baking Society Manager.

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