My tips for surviving welcome week

Have lots of photos so your room is customised for you
Have lots of photos so your room is customised for you

Just as a little disclaimer, I do not drink however I have some tips for those that do. Also you don’t have to follow these tips, these are just some ideas which might help you.

Welcome week is a lot of fun but it can also be overwhelming as you have left your parents and your home and you are in a new place with new people so here are a few tips.

  • Set up Skype with you family and friends before you go so you can see them if you are feeling a bit homesick.
  • Take lots of photos and posters with you so you can make your new room yours.
Have lots of photos so your room is customised for you
Have lots of photos so your room is customised for you
  • Unpack in the first few days but don’t worry if you don’t do it in the first 24 hours. (Don’t neglect meeting your new flatmates in order to unpack but living out of boxes won’t make you feel at home)
  • Have some drinks or snack to share as making friends is always fun over tea and biscuits
  • By all means have a drink and go out to the LRV (Leek Road Venue) during welcome week, but remember there is a lot of other stuff which needs to be done that week too so don’t make yourself ill.
  • Have a look round the university campus as soon as possible so you know where to go for the activities which are planned for welcome week.
Take a walk round campus and find all the buildings you need
Take a walk round campus and find all the buildings you need


  • Have a look around the shops and supermarkets in Stoke and Hanley as soon as you can so you are not still exploring when the work starts to pile up.
  • Go to some ‘Give it a go’ sessions during welcome week for any clubs or societies which you fancy to see if you want to join up. These are great ways to meet new people and get involved in something outside of academic work.
  • The fresher’s fair is always worth a visit as you can pick up lots of information and lots of freebies.
  • Before the week is over make sure you are prepared for your first lectures or seminars after welcome week. Trust me, you will thank yourself if you oversleep but everything is ready.
  • Most important of all, enjoy yourself but if you are feeling a little homesick or overwhelmed then just try to roll with it and it usually settles down in a couple of weeks once you are settled in.
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About Alexandra 49 Articles
Hi, I’m Alexandra! Studying Psychology (BSc) in my second year, but in my spare time I enjoy baking, reading and walking in the countryside! I’m a member of the Psychology Society, and I hope to study a Masters and PhD when I graduate and then one day, to be a Psychology Researcher – it can really help to change people’s lives! My guilty pleasure is chocolate, I love it too much!

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