Why a foundation year was good!

students learning how to use the metal workshop

students learning how to use the metal workshopA-level results day is fast approaching, and there’s thousands of students with mixed emotions waiting to find out what they got, whether all that hard work paid off but mostly importantly if they are going to university! A year ago I can say that was me, however when I got that big white envelope and whipped out that sheet of paper I can only imagine the look of disappointment on my face. Let’s just say the results weren’t what I’d hoped and I knew going home my day was going to be full of phone calls and waiting and pure stress! Without boring you with the details, I was offered the option to go on a foundation course at Staffordshire University and now I’m so glad I did.

I won’t lie the first thought that came to my head was Foundation…oh great, I honestly felt so deflated with all my friends going to university and people starting there “real course’s” and just how it’d look on me. I’d built it all up in my head, a stigma and perhaps a bit of shame when people would ask me what I was doing. I know it sounds stupid but I know a lot of people will understand where I’m coming from and hopefully reading this and what I’m going to say will put your mind at ease.

So what is a foundation course? They are a programme which allows the university to still allow applicants an opportunity to study at University and still go on to study a degree in their chosen field. With the course you are still recognised as a full member of the Universit
y and still get the full benefits and access to all the facilities any other student would. When I was offered the course it really did feel like a second chance and now sitting here a year on I wouldn’t change a thing!

I took a foundation year in Engineering, but the University offers Foundation course’s in all sorts of areas. My year was split into 5 modules:

  • Mathematics – basically maths
  • Principles of materials – Study of atomic structures, material properties and physics
  • Engineering science – combinatio
    n of electronics and Mechanics
  • Design and Communication – Learning team work structures, skills and interaction then design software and how to use it.
  • Engineering and Technology Applications – a taste of all 5 engineering sectors (Electrical, Mechanical, Aeronautical, Automotive and Mechatronics)

All of the modules were fun, interesting and challenging in their own ways! The best thing about doing the foundation course was that it eased me into the University lifestyle, going into what will be my second year but most people’s first year I know my way round campus, I know the faculty and campus layout and I’ve already made friends so while all the new students might be nervous of starting a course and starting somewhere new, I’m already nice and settled ready to go

So if your results don’t go as planned this August don’t worry or stress because there is support and other options, if your University offers you a foundation course don’t grumble or be disheartened because it was the best choice I ever made. I now feel ready to start my course and feel the gap to stepping up is smaller than that between A-levels and a degree because I had this year and I perhaps may have struggled with my first year. Stay positive whatever happens and GOOD LUCK!

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About Zach 37 Articles
Hi, I'm Zach - your typical Yorkshire lad. I chose Staffs because of the links to Engineering, and because of Alton Towers (I live and breathe roller-coasters!). I'm also pretty obsessed with sport, and spend my spare time watching football, rugby, F1 and BTCC. My dream career will be to work for Bentley Motors; it combines my love on engineering and cars! I'm most proud of my car, I take so much pride in it!

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