Hello from Swetha

Swetha reading a book in the law libraryHello!

I’m Swetha Reddy; Vice-President of the Students’ Union at Staffordshire University, where I’m studying for a Masters in Business Administration. I’m also an international student from India.

Why did I choose Staffs?

The Business Administration course’s good reviews and student feedback made me choose Staffs. After that, I was in contact with the University through social media and did a bit of research about the city and country before I finally landed here. The atmosphere was great and the University staff alongside the International Student Support team were very helpful throughout my transitional phase. Coming to Staffs introduced me to a new culture and a new life. It’s very multicultural university, yet integrated.

My time at Staffs so far…

I truly appreciate every single moment I have spent at Staffordshire University; it’s definitely the best choice I have ever made. I’ve met amazing people, some of whom will be my friends for life. I can testify I am very different from the person I was two years ago; whether it’s socially, academically or professionally, I have learnt a lot from my experiences at Staffs.

As a student from India I found Staffordshire University students surprisingly down to earth and friendly. I was also a bit different from the other international fresher’s as instead of being nervous I was very excited! I started getting involved by doing some volunteering for International Student Support and, within two months, became an academic representative for my cohort. By semester two, I was a student staff member at LRV and a peer mentor for other international students. I grabbed every single opportunity that came my way. Stoke, though a small city, has many opportunities in every area. I must say my two years spent as student staff was an amazing learning experience. And now, after all that, I am your vice-president at the students’ union.

Academically, the business school has fantastic scores and teaching that is reflected in the quality of the course material and content. The support from the faculty is incredible. I have always felt very welcome in the business school.

The academic learning pattern is different from my previous education but that is nothing to worry about. Facilities and support like ASK, academic writing classes, feedback from tutors and Faculty Guidance advisors are there to help you.

Socially, the students’ union venues are the best places to hang out and if you are interested in sports and activities you can join clubs and societies. The students’ union offers a variety of social opportunities to make your student experience memorable.

Tips for international students

Be clear on the purpose of attending university.

Having a routine is always good as it creates a solid foundation to build your achievements with.

At Staffordshire University the teaching staff can be very helpful and understanding, but it is more important to maintain a flexible attitude and capitalise on it when the opportunity arises. There are bound to be times when things don’t go smoothly and resilience is the key here.

Be proactive and get involved with clubs and societies, based on your interests. It will ease the process of settling into university life and also polish your interpersonal skills which could give you the edge in job interviews.

Take advantage of the volunteering opportunities and peer mentoring scheme: the senior students can offer you useful advice.


Finally, welcome to Staffordshire University! You are going to have a great time here and we know you all will be proud to be Staffs.Students' Union message - with love from the Students' Union

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