There’s Still Time To Apply Through Clearing


Clearing has been going on for about a week now, and you know the weird thing is that at this point, when I was coming through clearing, I still hadn’t applied. This week, two years ago, I was still um-ing and ah-ing about whether university was what I wanted. Was it worth giving up a full-time job for? What if I hated it? What if I left it too long, and couldn’t get a place anyway?


I literally applied to university two weeks before the course started. There were people who started with me who moved on to other courses, and there were people who started well into September because they’d come from another university to Staffs. The first time I went to uni through clearing, I started in mid-October.

I’m not saying you should wait weeks before you decide if uni is right for you, but I am saying you haven’t missed the boat. If you’re starting to think that maybe it’s something you’d like to do, you’ve still got time. You can call up or drop by Brindley and we’ll point you in the right direction for advice — or, if you’ve already decided what you want to do, we can even sign you up.

If you’re still on the fence, we can show you around campus, accommodation, and get a lecturer from the course you’re thinking about to tell you what it’s all about and answer any questions you’ve got. It’s been genuinely awesome seeing students come in unsure about what they want to do and leave looking reassured and excited to start.

There’s still time for you to get in touch. We can’t wait to hear from you.

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About Siân 28 Articles
I'm Siân, I'm 27, and I'm a third year Creative Writing student. I'd like to be a full-time writer when I grow up, but a career in editing or teaching would do in the meantime.

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