My Goals For This Academic Year

It’s a new year and most definitely not a new me. I am still very shy, a procrastinator and a worrier. But I have thought of some goals to set myself for this academic year, especially since this is my last year at university. I thought it would be nice to share them with you and it also means that I need to be accountable for them. I haven’t made them too complicated, but I am sure that these will help me to make the most of the last few months I have left of university.


  1. Start my assignments month before their submission date

As mentioned before, I am the queen of procrastinating! I really like to leave my work to the last minute as I think that the added pressure makes me do well, which it actually doesn’t. By starting on a piece of work a month before the actual submission date, this actually gives me time to plan, write and execute the piece of work without having as many meltdown’s. Well here’s to hoping that this plan works!

    2. Stop spending money on things that I want but don’t need

Although I like to save money, I also like to buy things when I have money. This of course is not good as it means that when the time comes to pay my bills, I am super stressed. So rather than buying that top that’s only £3 or that notebook that’s £5 that I will never use, I am going to make sure that when I am paid, that I use it to pay for the necessary things such as rent first. I will also make a list of things that I may need, such as new trainers or a new notebook, so that if I see one, then I won’t feel as bad for buying it as I actually ‘need’ it.

    3. Be more active

Now this is probably the most popular goal and you are probably rolling your eyes as you read this, but here me out here. I have a gym membership that I haven’t really used due to placement commitments, but I am aiming to go to the gym at least 1-2x a week. I also aim to be more active by taking the stairs rather than the lift, walking to town or uni and doing YouTube workout videos. I have noticed that I have become so unfit as I am out of breath when I run up the stairs at home. I am qualifying as a midwife soon and as being a midwife is such an active job, I want to feel as fit as possible.

    4. Make ‘eating out’ a luxury

I love a cheeky Nandos or a good Subway, especially when I am too tired to cook and I have too much money to spend. I don’t want to be eating out more than once a fortnight, as this will make me realise that eating out is actually a luxury. By doing this, I can actually spend time making fresh food which is better for me and probably saving me money.

     5. Spend more time with my housemates

As I mentioned before, this is my last year at university, which also means my last year of living with my housemates. I consider them as my best friends and I really enjoy spending time with them. Because I am on placement the majority of the time, I only seem them a couple of hours every day. I want to be able to spend more time with them doing simple stuff like movie nights, going for walks or travelling together.

As you can see, this goals aren’t that complicated so they should definitely be do-able. I think achieving this will help me feel happier and more confident in myself and will also help to make these last few months at university enjoyable. Let me know if you have any goals for this academic year! I will definitely let you know how I get on with these goals at the end of this academic year.

– Annrose – 

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