International Women’s Day 2017

This month we celebrated International Women’s Day, a day that celebrates the achievements of women from across the globe. One woman in particular that we celebrated today was the Vice Chancellor of the university, Professor Liz Barnes.

20170308_145647I had the wonderful opportunity to attend the Vice Chancellors’ installation on International Women’s Day and was able to not just celebrate her success but reflect on the important women in my own life.

Having grown up in a household with two younger sisters, to see them grow up and achieve so much is really a wonderful feeling. My mother has always been a massive inspiration to my life as she taught me kindness and love and so much more, that I can’t simply list them all in this blog. In a modern society where there are women fighting the continuous fight for equality, it astounds me that we are still fighting for equality. You’d imagine that we in the 21st century would surpass the prejudices of the past and live in equality and peace, but I know for a fact we will achieve that dream one day.

The Vice-Chancellor reminded us of the importance of achieving our dreams and to shape a better future for not only ourselves but to those that will be following in our footsteps, long after we are gone.20170308_131254

As in the famous words of Maya Angelou:

‘I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.’




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About Jaz 43 Articles
I’m Jaz! You’ve arrived at my blog about life through a 22-year old’s eyes. I’ve chosen Staffs to take the first steps for my career within the radio industry and hope it will lead me to being a sound designer and produce Radio Dramas/Documentaries for the BBC! I love drinking copious amounts of green tea and watching classic Doctor Who episodes. I’m #ProudToBeStaffs because of the amount of banter! Students – listen up - get involved with as much as you can. University tends to flyby when you are having fun.

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