International Day of the Midwife 2017!

Today we are celebrating International Day of the Midwife, with the theme being ‘Midwives, Mothers and Families: Partners for life!’ Lectures and student midwives are celebrating it by inviting women and their families that students have previously looked after for some tea and cake. Unfortunately, because I am on annual leave, I won’t be able to attend today. Instead, I have decided to reflect on how I think the university prepares us student midwives to become partners for life with mothers and their families. 

Here at Staffordshire University, student midwives have to find 2 follow through care women every year. With the woman’s consent, we follow their pregnancy through, from their first appointment with the midwife all the way to after they have had the baby. We get to provide continuity of care and build a trusting relationship with the women.

I really enjoy the concept of follow through care, as I get to build a working relationship with the expectant mothers. You see these women and their babies grow…it really is  privilege. It is always surreal when you see the baby being born and see that mother bond with her baby, especially when you have known that woman from when she had her first scan. 

By following women through their pregnancy, you learn how their needs change and how every pregnancy is different in its own way. You also learn that the outcome of pregnancy is not always positive and how to support and care for those whose pregnancy has ended in tragedy. 

I hope you enjoyed reading my reflection on what the International Day of the Midwife means to me. If you are an aspiring, student or qualified midwife, why don’t you share your thoughts on being a midwife and working in partnership with women on social media using the hashtag #IDM2017!

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