Representing YOUR Course

When I first started studying at Staffordshire University, I always knew I wanted to represent the university and in some way leave a mark of my time during the three years I was there. I knew that I wanted to get involved in as much as I can, whether it was running as a candidate for Student Trustee, becoming a Peer Mentor or even a Digital Ambassadors (talking to you guys, woo!). But, the one position that gave me the chance to contribute towards the university the most, was becoming a Student Representative.

Now, very recently I was given the role of Department Representative of Film, Media and Journalism at the university. I am honoured to receive such a position, and it made me realise how important the role of Department Representative is and how vital it is for students to get involved.

When you are a Student Rep, your role is to become the voice of your fellow peers. You listen to any problems they may have with the course and feed them back to the lecturers, so that you can improve the way the course is running. I, alongside another colleague of mine, have been Student Reps for our course for nearly two years now, and helped to address issues that many students face when it comes to studying. Being able to attend meetings and relay issues benefits not only the current students, but also any students wanting to study the same course as them in the future

I’d happily recommend volunteering for the role of Student Rep, as not only does it improve your CV, it also allows you to develop a large variety of skills from communication skills, organisational skills and even problem solving skills! For many, it is also a chance to improve your social skills and allow you to become more confident.


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About Jaz 43 Articles
I’m Jaz! You’ve arrived at my blog about life through a 22-year old’s eyes. I’ve chosen Staffs to take the first steps for my career within the radio industry and hope it will lead me to being a sound designer and produce Radio Dramas/Documentaries for the BBC! I love drinking copious amounts of green tea and watching classic Doctor Who episodes. I’m #ProudToBeStaffs because of the amount of banter! Students – listen up - get involved with as much as you can. University tends to flyby when you are having fun.

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