Zach’s 5 Open Day Tips

So you’ve chosen the university path and I’m assuming Staffs Uni is one of your choices, and after visiting an Open Day, I can almost guarantee you’ll make it your first choice! The same as I did, you will fall in love and just know. Below are my 5 easy steps to help you conquer an open day and to get the most from it.

It’s all in the planning – Visit the University website, have a look at various areas on the website and the webpage of the course you are interested in, so you’re armed with questions. An open day is the best chance you will get to ask the people who will be teaching or supporting you about the course you’ll be studying and place you’ll be living for 3/4 years of your life. Not to scare you or make it sound dramatic but it is a decision you have to be sure of and happy with, so knowing what to ask is key.

Get that info – When you arrive, head to Science Centre (ask one of the Student Ambassadors in red who will point you in the right direction) to register, and then get the timetabled events and locations. This is key to your day, knowing where you need to go and when it’s available will help you get the most from your day.

Talks Talks Talks – Must do talks are, the Welcome Talk, where you will hear about why Staffs is special and unique. Followed by the subject specific talks, which are specific to you and your course! Most of these also offer a tour of the department so you can see it and get hands on with the stuff you’ll be using to complete your degree. Here is where your research from step 1 comes in! You can grill the lecturers about your queries or worries and I’m sure they will put you at ease.

See your future pad – Your humble abode, Casa Amore or crib, however you chose to describe it! The place you live for at least a year is a big decision so you have to get the choice just right. An Accommodation Tour will help! You get to see all of the accommodation on offer here at Staffs in real lived-in rooms of…yes you guessed it…real students. Please don’t judge their Minion duvet set. You can also puzzle the Student Ambassadors about what it’s really like to live as a student and what halls/house are like.

Visit the facilities – Whether you are a gym buff or cool coffee drinker, the Staffs campus really does have it all. Wander around both the Leek Road and College Road sides of the campus to see what you can do in between studying because at Staffs you’re experience is far more than learning! Be it the gym, Pavilion Fusion Food, Ember Lounge, cinema or our library, which is 24/7 too so you can work right up to those deadlines! The campus is so full that you won’t know where to visit first.

Finally, just say yes to Staffs! I might see you around so be sure to say hi if you see me. I don’t bite and I’m always happy to answer questions honestly or find the right person who can!

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About Zach 37 Articles
Hi, I'm Zach - your typical Yorkshire lad. I chose Staffs because of the links to Engineering, and because of Alton Towers (I live and breathe roller-coasters!). I'm also pretty obsessed with sport, and spend my spare time watching football, rugby, F1 and BTCC. My dream career will be to work for Bentley Motors; it combines my love on engineering and cars! I'm most proud of my car, I take so much pride in it!

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