BeSafe campaign footprints

BeSafe around uni: Matt’s guide

December 19, 2017 Matt 0

This is my BeSafe guide to ensuring your safety while at university. No matter what you do or where you are, safety always needs to be number one priority. Have fun and see you soon!


3 Tips for settling in at uni

December 18, 2017 Matt 0

Here are my three top tips to settling in at university! Whether you’re introverted or extroverted, these could be a big help. Have fun and see you soon!  

24 hours in Stoke with Drew

December 13, 2017 Drew 0

Ok. Imagine we’re back in glorious summer time. This would be my perfect 24 hours… 00:00 – 08:00: In my bed… duh! 08:00 – 10:00: The Awakening and Beautifying Process ™ via Giphy 10:00 – […]

Cheap Eats: 4 Places to Eat in Stoke

December 8, 2017 Maxie 0

You’re a student. That probably means two things – you’re poor, and you’re hungry. I know. I feel you. But fear not! Here’s a quick list of places you can check out in Stoke! Maccies! […]

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