Final Year Is Over In Two Months..

Excited Meme


Final year is over in two months.. Wow. That is crazy to say. 2 months seems so close but yet so far away. I can’t believe my time at Staffs officially ends on the 28th April when my dissertation is due. I’m full of so many emotions; I’m both happy but sad to leave. Happy because I’m not used to being away from my family for such long periods of time and I’m missing London so much (I’ve been here 3 years and STILL get homesick) and sad because I’ve met some great people and had memories that I’ll never forget.

This year has been one of the hardest yet; not just due to the stress of uni and work, but also due to personal issues I’ve had to deal with. The lack of sleep will hopefully be worth it however once I hear my name called out at graduation.

The years go by so quickly and before you know it, it’s time to graduate so please don’t take anything for granted and work as hard as you can because it will be worth it in the end even if it doesn’t feel like it right now. Prepare yourself for third year because luckily for me my dissertation is only 4000 words plus a 16 day placement but some of the other courses may not be so lucky. Those in second year, have an idea ready of what you want to do for your dissertation as you can always change it later but having an idea will definitely help.

Wish me luck and good luck to all those also in third year! 😀

Mortar boards being thrown into the air at one of our Graduation Ceremonies in 2014