A typical day in my life

A typical day in my life

I thought it might be a bit interesting to talk about what I do on a Friday when I am on placement and also outside of placement.

07:30 My alarm goes off, but I am usually awake before this happens. I go downstairs to brush my teeth, get dressed and have some cereal.

08:10 I leave the house and walk to placement whilst listening to some music.
annrose wearing medical scrubs ready for placement08:30 I arrive at my placement area. I am in theatres today, so I get changed into some very comfortable scrubs.

08:45 I go to the designated theatre I have been assigned too, which today is gynaecology. I usually stand near to the door watching what everyone does and observe what is happening. I also try my best not to faint when the doctors are cutting into someone’s skin.

10:00 I go on a quick break and grab a cup of tea.

11:00 I am shipped off to join the nurses in the recovery bay. Here I help look after people who have been under a general anaesthetic and make sure they recover well.

16:30 I am finished for the day and skip home as it is the weekend!

16:45 I jump on my bed and go on my phone and check on what I have missed out on.

17:00 I spend half an hour researching about some drugs that have been spoken about today that I am not too sure on.

18:00 I get my dinner ready. Today it is pizza and chicken nuggets as I am feeling very lazy…too lazy to make proper food.

19:00 I lie in my bed and catch up on all the TV I have missed this week.

20:00 I ring my mum and catch up with her and my nephews.

20:30 My friend rings me to come around for some drinks, which I am excited about since I have not seen her in a long time!

22:00 I leave the house to see my friend and her housemates. I am too tired to go to Mukky Duck today, so this will do for this week!

Yes, my life is so interesting and I bet you all want to live my life (just kidding, of course!) This is only tiny glimpse of what I get up-to during the week and I didn’t do much academic work because it was a Friday! I may do this another time in the future so you can have a better insight on what I do day-to-day, but I hope this will do for now!

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About Annrose 63 Articles
Hi! I'm a 3rd year Midwifery student, and in my spare time you'll usually find me reading, listening to music or buying things I don't need! When I graduate I'm looking forward to becoming a registered as a professional at 21, and making a difference. I’m #ProudToBeStaffs because the university is friendly and has a real community feel.