Year Review

This year has been very interesting for me, there have been many ups and downs but as usual I have gotten through them. I had a lot more placement this year than I did last year which was very exhausting but rewarding as I love working with children but dread having to leave them once the term is over. The difference in my attitude towards learning has changed drastically compared to last year. I wasn’t attending all my lectures and placement and I wasn’t working to the best of my ability but trust me it all catches up to you so for you students coming into university this year, attend EVERY lecture because it’s no good reading notes online when you have no one to fully explain them to you which can affect your assignments. (First year results do count by the way, PLEASE don’t believe that myth!)

This year I made some great friends with first years which is weird because back in secondary no one would really mesh with the younger years but in university you forget that everyone is in different years and of different ages which is great as you gain knowledge and experiences from all different types of people.

In future I would definitely recommend people to come out of their comfort zone by talking to people that they wouldn’t normally socialise with, go to new places and explore Stoke which is something I need to do next year as I’ve been here for 2 years and I don’t know of many places in Stoke except the areas I had to go to for placement and where I do my shopping. I would also recommend for everyone to take advantage of their tutors help; last year I would submit assignments without gaining feedback from my tutors whereas this year I asked for more help and would contact my tutors more. I sent one of my tutors my assignment before submitting and realised that I had made many mistakes which would have had a big impact on my grade. So please do take advantage, they are here to help us as much as they can.

Overall, this year has taught me that being independent isn’t always the best decision, we all need help with something and there are always people willing to help and advise us so make use of those around you. This year had also made me more confident within myself and in a work setting which is what placement is there to help with and it has definitely helped me, I’m not completely there yet but I am seeing big improvements.

I hope everyone has had a great academic year full of lessons and blessings and hopefully next year will be an even better one!