Introduction to Charlize

Charlize-ThumbnailWhy did you choose your subject/course?

I did volunteer work at my Auntie’s nursery and found that I loved working with children. I also chose this course because I naturally have a way with children.

Why did you choose Staffordshire University?

I researched the school prior and found that they was one of the top universities for the course I had originally wanted to do (Forensic Science), once I changed my course I came for an open day and loved how the university looked and the atmosphere made me feel at home.

What do you hope to do when you graduate?

I hope to open up my own nursery

One piece of advice you would give to prospective University students?

Not to miss lectures because you could miss out on vital information and not everything is put on blackboard.

An interesting fact about you

I like to sing in my spare time

Most treasured possession

A present I was given from Egypt

Favourite TV series / Film / Book

My favourite TV series right now is how to get away with murder. My favourite film is the Twilight saga and my favourite book is Unfamous.