It’s LGBT History Month! ?️‍?

February 10, 2017 Drew 0

February every year marks LGBT History Month here in the UK, and before we go into the whole ‘Well what about Straight History Month?’ thing, let me just address it now. Similar to that of […]

Students Wanted for Psychology Project!

November 15, 2016 Drew 0

Every year, students across the country are plagued with what can only be described as a living nightmare… Final Year Dissertations! *thunder crack* via GIPHY Melodrama aside, I’m actually looking forward to tackling my project […]

How to get a Mind Set for Success!

October 25, 2016 Drew 0

Whatever course you are on, the goal after university is to get a job. With the university currently on the drive for careers networking and job opportunities, its time to address how you could improve […]

People Are Weird: Compensatory Health Beliefs

October 18, 2016 Drew 0

I am a 3rd Year Psychology and Counselling student, and throughout my course, listening to lecturers and searching through the research databases at my fingertips, I come across some weird, interesting, and relatable psychology. So […]

The Do’s and Don’ts of Stoke Con Trent

October 4, 2016 Drew 0

Another year, another opportunity for nerds in and around the Staffordshire area to celebrate everything sci-fi, fantasy, anime, gaming, movie, comic, and adjacent. Stoke-Con-Trent rolled around again, and the campus was abuzz with all things […]

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