Representing YOUR Course

August 27, 2017 Jaz 0

When I first started studying at Staffordshire University, I always knew I wanted to represent the university and in some way leave a mark of my time during the three years I was there. I […]

The Big Union Getaway 2017

August 22, 2017 Jaz 0

This month has been quite unique for the Student Union at Staffordshire University as they held their very first Big Union Getaway! The Big Union Getaway is a FREE two-night residential course at the beautiful […]

The Reasons I Chose Staffs

August 21, 2017 Jaz 0

Hello, Now, I often get asked by my family and friends (that aren’t attending Staffs) why I chose to study at Staffordshire University. What I always found intriguing about that question is that there was […]

Ember Lounge means ‘family’

June 19, 2017 Jaz 0

Hello! Now, have you ever come across that old saying that university ‘are the best days of your life’? You see many graduate’s yearning for the university days, wishing they had the opportunity to relive […]

The Election Results! – #TheYouthVote

June 16, 2017 Jaz 0

Hello! It’s finally over! The grand ‘General Election’ that has left everybody in the UK on the edge of their seats has finally come to an end. But let us finally take a breather and […]

The Labour Guarantee?

May 22, 2017 Jaz 0

With the General Election looming over us next month, I want to especially take a closer look at two of Labour’s ‘leaked’ manifesto promises and how it will affect students in general. Now, one of […]

A woman's holding a phone over a laptop

Food Shopping: The Smart (App) Way

May 21, 2017 Jaz 0

Hello! Now, summer may be just around the corner and I can see the relief on the faces of all you poor souls who have completed those pesky yet vital exams! You’ve more than earned […]

Your Student Union

May 15, 2017 Jaz 0

Hello, It’s so great to be back. I hope you had a brilliant Christmas and a wonderful start to the new year. Right now as we speak, I am back in Stoke and just finished […]

The Power of Work Experience

May 15, 2017 Jaz 0

‘’The only source of knowledge is experience.’’ – Albert Einstein Hello, Work Experience. What does ‘Work Experience’ actually mean? Well, according to the Cambridge dictionary it means ‘’a period of time in which a student […]

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