Welcomed Back by Welcome Week

September 26, 2016 Drew 0

And what a week it was! Setting foot on campus again after a long summer, it felt like I had never left. Seeing all the familiar faces dotted around, it was hard to realise that […]

Student Group

What is a Peer Mentor?

September 14, 2016 Jaz 0

You wake up and realise that today is the day. You have already unpacked and organised your new room yet there are over a thousand different questions swimming through your mind. Where do I go? […]

Joining Clubs and Societies at Uni

September 9, 2016 Alexandra 0

  When starting university last year, I was certain that I would join at least one club or society. In the end I joined one of each, dancing club and psychology society. I always intended […]

Back To Skool

Zach’s Guide to Welcome Week

September 6, 2016 Zach 0

Welcome Week (also known as Freshers Week – both the same), but if you wanted to you could look at it as two separate styles of tackling the week that is your first at university. […]

Healthy Body and Healthy Mind

September 2, 2016 Lauren 1

So the gym. Yup I did it! Sign and sealed as of today. I am a full paid member of Staffordshire University’s Sir Stanley Mathews Gym. To be honest I have being saying I will for…erm….well […]

What’s hot in SOT

August 26, 2016 Taofiqah 0

On Campus If you’re looking for food & drink on campus why not visit Ember Lounge if you want the pub vibe. If you’re feeling a bit more fancy and want that American vibe and […]

10 Things I Miss From Student Life

December 31, 2015 Joe 0

As much as I am enjoying ‘working life’, there are some things I am missing about being a student and the lifestyle I had for 3 years. Going to university was the best decision I […]

One Media Group Logo

One Media Group Social

December 26, 2015 Rebecca 0

Being a Radio Production student I knew I would be signing up for the student radio station, One Media Group (OMG). Since week one I have been a part of the radio station and I […]

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