Pink piggy bank

5 Tips for Applying to Student Finance

February 15, 2017 Karis 0

Now that the deadline for UCAS applications has closed and you prospective students will be starting to get offers, you will need to start thinking about applying for Student Finance. If you simply Google ‘student […]


November 10, 2016 Jaz 0

Hey all, It’s THAT time again. The nights are drawing in, the weather is becoming chillier and by the end of the month, you’ll be singing along to the lyrics ‘’Holidays are Coming!’’ while mesmerised […]

Tips on Writing the CV That Gets THE Job!

November 9, 2016 Maxie 0

Your CV (or ‘curriculum vitae’) is usually one of, if not the first impression a potential employer gets of you when you’re looking or applying for a job. So, of course, it’s pretty important for […]

How to get a Mind Set for Success!

October 25, 2016 Drew 0

Whatever course you are on, the goal after university is to get a job. With the university currently on the drive for careers networking and job opportunities, its time to address how you could improve […]

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