A Guide To Being An A+ Flatmate

September 28, 2016 Karis 0

If you’re living away from home for university it’s highly likely that this will be the first time you’re going to be living with other people who aren’t your parents or siblings. Now your family […]

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Anxiety and University

September 16, 2016 Annrose 0

Anxiety is a horrible thing. It isn’t just the odd worry about something here or there, it can feel like a dark cloud taking over your mind, your body, your whole life. You can’t do […]

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You made it to Staffs! What now…?

September 12, 2016 Drew 1

Dear New Students, First and foremost, DO NOT PANIC! You made it. You are a university student. Congratulations for getting this far! Now take a breath, take a moment, and relax. For a lot of […]

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