Zach’ Guide to Welcome Week 2017

August 25, 2017 Zach 0

Welcome week, Freshers week or party week, whatever you call it! It’s that first week of University where you’re not quite sure where to go, what to do or where you are really supposed to […]

Joining Clubs and Societies at Uni

September 9, 2016 Alexandra 0

  When starting university last year, I was certain that I would join at least one club or society. In the end I joined one of each, dancing club and psychology society. I always intended […]

One Media Group Logo

One Media Group Social

December 26, 2015 Rebecca 0

Being a Radio Production student I knew I would be signing up for the student radio station, One Media Group (OMG). Since week one I have been a part of the radio station and I […]

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Joining a Club or Society

March 6, 2015 Emma 0

Most people you speak to when you first start university will recommend that you join a club or society to  expand your friendship groups. I can honestly say that joining the Women’s Hockey team at […]

Staffordshire University Students' Union Logo

The Students’ Union

February 9, 2015 Joe 0

The students union plays a big part in your university experience. If you ever have any problems they are your first port of call, whether thats to do with university, your course, accommodation or home […]