24 hours in Stoke with Drew

December 13, 2017 Drew 0

Ok. Imagine we’re back in glorious summer time. This would be my perfect 24 hours… 00:00 – 08:00: In my bed… duh! 08:00 – 10:00: The Awakening and Beautifying Process ™ via Giphy 10:00 – […]

5 Icebreakers For Your New Flatmates

August 20, 2017 Maxie 0

So you’re all moved into your new flat, you’ve kicked your parents out, everything’s quiet and there’s just on challenge left – the flatmates. It’s daunting; being thrown into a new situation with 3-12 new […]

Ways to relax/ destress

July 3, 2017 Alexandra 0

Life can be stressful generally, but especially around exam and result time. Knowing how to relax and de-stress even for a short amount of time can really help to keep you focused and healthy. Too […]

Will I make friends?

June 20, 2017 Alexandra 0

One of the biggest fears everyone has when they start somewhere new is whether they will make friends. This tends to be magnified when moving home where you don’t know anyone at all, like those […]

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