Food platter

Eating healthily

May 30, 2016 Alexandra 0

When going to university some people will worry about continuing to eat healthily and some will not care. I do care about how I eat. Eating foods which are bad for us is so easy […]

donation logo

‘Veg out’ with DoNation

April 10, 2016 Hayley 0

DoNation uses environmental pledges (stay with me on this), which are super easy to do. These pledges add up to have a massive effect on improving our environment (your house, your street, your universe!) Oh […]

Chicken Curry with rice

Easy Curry Chicken Recipe

April 8, 2016 Charlize 0

  As a fellow student I know for a fact that majority of us are always tired and don’t always feel like cooking. Takeaways are a much easier solution however for those of us looking […]

No Picture

Health and Fitness

March 30, 2015 Emma 0

Something that I struggled with a lot in my first year was cooking myself healthy meals, and exercising regularly. I play hockey, but I’m a goalkeeper and if I’m honest I should have bothered to […]