My Depression and Me

March 31, 2017 Drew 0

I wonder how many of you reading this are feeling the same way that I have felt. I wonder how many of you have already clicked away out of frustration of seeing another post about […]

Stress and you

January 31, 2017 Zach 0

Stress is a very common thing everyone experiences, sometimes people experience stress and they won’t even realise it or notice that is stress and put it down to something else. For me recently I’ve experienced […]

I hear you have a problem

What I wish I’d known about Clearing

August 26, 2016 Siân 0

So having been through Clearing twice you’d think I had little to nothing to learn about it, right? Well, I’ve learnt plenty and I’m still being surprised. There’s things I’ve discovered helping the Clearing Team […]

wine bottle drawing

Study tips with DoNation

May 18, 2016 Hayley 0

Exam tips is something we could all do with, especially at the moment. Something I’ve found is that I will be sat down typing away at my assignments, not wanting to give myself an opportunity […]

Student Ambassador T-shirt

Becoming a student ambassador

December 11, 2015 Alexandra 0

On my first open day at staffs uni I found all of the student ambassadors really helpful and great for making me feel welcome and like I could ask questions. Through the next two open […]

No Picture

Assignment Advice

February 9, 2015 Charlize 0

It’s time for second semester and a lot of us have assignments to do, maybe more than one which can leave us feeling stressed and wondering where to start and that’s why I’m here to […]