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What to Pack for University

August 24, 2018 Matt 0

Hey everyone! Around this time last year I was gathering all the things I needed to pack for Uni, at first I took too little, then over the year I took too much! So hopefully […]

Zach's room as he moves out

Moving In….Moving Out

May 23, 2016 Zach 0

Moving in, I can guarantee it’ll be the first thing on everyone’s mind mid-august/start September. For first years it’s what do I need, quick google a list of what to take to university or send […]

A drinking goblet

My Top 5 Uni Essentials!

May 10, 2016 Rebecca 0

So you’re going to university, which can be daunting on it’s own. But then there’s the question of what should you take to your new home away from home. I’m a obsessive packing person and […]

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What To Pack For University

August 24, 2015 Charlize 0

There are so many things that I wish I had (and hadn’t) packed for university but luckily you have me to help you decide! You don’t want to pack too much as you have to […]

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Top things to pack for University

August 24, 2015 Annrose 0

So you have gotten your place at university and have sorted your accommodation out and it’s finally starting to sink in…you’re going to uni! First of all, congratulations! Now, it’s time to think of what […]

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What you aren’t told to bring to Uni

July 22, 2015 Emma 0

No doubt everyone makes lists with their parents about ‘What to take to university” such as bedding, glasses, cutlery all the usual things. But what about items which are a little more unusual and aren’t […]