Zach on love and relationships…

October 22, 2016 Zach 0

Behind the stresses of exams, coursework, typing up notes, money and what to wear for that night out on Friday, for some there’s one most people don’t like to talk about – love and relationships. […]

Giphy man wobbling on a boat

Balancing Act 2.0

May 11, 2016 Emma 0

I wrote a blog a few months ago about how to deal with balancing work, university, relationships and just general everyday life. Now, writing this one I probably should have taken my own advice more […]

No Picture


March 2, 2015 Charlize 0

“Relationships in University never last” I’ve lost count of the amount of times I have heard that from different people. I recall in first year that many people including some of my flat mates came into university in […]