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Gee: My University Story… So Far

February 13, 2018 Maxie 0

So, everyone has different reasons for going to uni, and has a different journey while they’re here! I wanted to write this blog about my own personal experience so far in higher education, just to […]

My Final Year Results ?

July 3, 2017 Drew 0

As of writing this I am currently blasting some tunes and dancing around in nothing but a hoodie and my undies, celebrating my final year results. I could not be happier right now! Let me […]

The Election Results! – #TheYouthVote

June 16, 2017 Jaz 0

Hello! It’s finally over! The grand ‘General Election’ that has left everybody in the UK on the edge of their seats has finally come to an end. But let us finally take a breather and […]

I hear you have a problem

What I wish I’d known about Clearing

August 26, 2016 Siân 0

So having been through Clearing twice you’d think I had little to nothing to learn about it, right? Well, I’ve learnt plenty and I’m still being surprised. There’s things I’ve discovered helping the Clearing Team […]

students learning how to use the metal workshop

Why a foundation year was good!

August 12, 2016 Zach 0

A-level results day is fast approaching, and there’s thousands of students with mixed emotions waiting to find out what they got, whether all that hard work paid off but mostly importantly if they are going […]

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