Zach’ Guide to Welcome Week 2017

August 25, 2017 Zach 0

Welcome week, Freshers week or party week, whatever you call it! It’s that first week of University where you’re not quite sure where to go, what to do or where you are really supposed to […]

Keeping Fit on a Student Budget

January 19, 2017 Alexandra 0

Keeping fit at university is not everyone’s first thought but it is important as it will help you in the long run of life and help you to study better. However, keeping fit can seem […]

Healthy Body and Healthy Mind

September 2, 2016 Lauren 1

So the gym. Yup I did it! Sign and sealed as of today. I am a full paid member of Staffordshire University’s Sir Stanley Mathews Gym. To be honest I have being saying I will for…erm….well […]