5 Icebreakers For Your New Flatmates

August 20, 2017 Maxie 0

So you’re all moved into your new flat, you’ve kicked your parents out, everything’s quiet and there’s just on challenge left – the flatmates. It’s daunting; being thrown into a new situation with 3-12 new […]

Mental Health Nursing in Sri Lanka

June 22, 2017 Guest Blog 0

Shannon Flowers, Mental Health Nursing student at Staffordshire University   As a student mental health nurse at Staffordshire, I’ve always wanted to explore another healthcare setting and have been particularly interested in seeing how mental […]

Young People and Politics

April 19, 2017 Drew 0

So folks, it looks like we’re going to be having another general election in the not so distant future. Let’s talk about that… As of writing this, the announcement that there will be a general […]

International Women’s Day 2017

March 28, 2017 Jaz 0

This month we celebrated International Women’s Day, a day that celebrates the achievements of women from across the globe. One woman in particular that we celebrated today was the Vice Chancellor of the university, Professor […]

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