Zach’s 5 Open Day Tips

September 28, 2017 Zach 0

So you’ve chosen the university path and I’m assuming Staffs Uni is one of your choices, and after visiting an Open Day, I can almost guarantee you’ll make it your first choice! The same as […]

Zach’ Guide to Welcome Week 2017

August 25, 2017 Zach 0

Welcome week, Freshers week or party week, whatever you call it! It’s that first week of University where you’re not quite sure where to go, what to do or where you are really supposed to […]

The Reasons I Chose Staffs

August 21, 2017 Jaz 0

Hello, Now, I often get asked by my family and friends (that aren’t attending Staffs) why I chose to study at Staffordshire University. What I always found intriguing about that question is that there was […]

5 Icebreakers For Your New Flatmates

August 20, 2017 Maxie 0

So you’re all moved into your new flat, you’ve kicked your parents out, everything’s quiet and there’s just on challenge left – the flatmates. It’s daunting; being thrown into a new situation with 3-12 new […]

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