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Overwatch at Ember Lounge!

March 20, 2018 Phil Cooke 0

If you’ve ever been to Ember Lounge in the evening then you’ll probably know that there’s often Sports like Football or Rugby being shown on the big screens, which is great for sport fans, and […]

Pink piggy bank

5 Tips for Applying to Student Finance

February 15, 2017 Karis 0

Now that the deadline for UCAS applications has closed and you prospective students will be starting to get offers, you will need to start thinking about applying for Student Finance. If you simply Google ‘student […]

It’s LGBT History Month! ?️‍?

February 10, 2017 Drew 0

February every year marks LGBT History Month here in the UK, and before we go into the whole ‘Well what about Straight History Month?’ thing, let me just address it now. Similar to that of […]

Walking in a Hanley Winter Wonderland

December 7, 2016 Jaz 0

Yo-Ho-Ho! (Now, I may have come across either rude or as a pirate…) Well, here we are once again. It’s December. The days have become colder and everywhere you go, you can hear Christmas music […]

Four Reasons I Love Doing Photography

October 26, 2016 Karis 0

I am a third year Photography student and the subject is something that I became more enthusiastic about during the end of high school and developed throughout my two years of college. And now it […]

Stoke-on-Trent?! Why?

October 22, 2016 Zach 0

…is forever the question I’m asked when I tell people I study at Staffordshire University. My answer is quite a complex one but it fits with the theme we’ve had on campus recently with #AllStokedUp […]

A Guide To Being An A+ Flatmate

September 28, 2016 Karis 0

If you’re living away from home for university it’s highly likely that this will be the first time you’re going to be living with other people who aren’t your parents or siblings. Now your family […]

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