24 hours in Stoke with Drew

December 13, 2017 Drew 0

Ok. Imagine we’re back in glorious summer time. This would be my perfect 24 hours… 00:00 – 08:00: In my bed… duh! 08:00 – 10:00: The Awakening and Beautifying Process ™ via Giphy 10:00 – […]

How To Find a Job for the Summer

August 1, 2017 Maxie 0

Let’s face it, uni life can be expensive. Food, cleaning products, and little treats like nights out or takeaways – it all adds up. And it’s true that with a lot of courses, it can be […]

5 Things To Do This Summer

July 30, 2017 Annrose 0

So…it’s officially summer! No more deadlines and no more lecturers so you have all the free time in the world. If you are getting a bit tired of binging on Netflix and playing video games […]

A Student Summer

June 6, 2017 Alexandra 0

Summer for a university student can mean different things to each person. To me, it is a time for doing everything I haven’t been able to do for the last 9 months because I’ve been […]

Annrose’s Summer in Amsterdam

October 26, 2016 Annrose 0

So, summer seems like it was a lifetime ago, but I thought it would be nice to reminisce on mine by sharing it in the form of a vlog. I visit Amsterdam quite regularly and […]

Rebecca's rug that she created of a rocket

Home Sweet Home

June 13, 2016 Rebecca 0

I find the adjustment from going back to live at uni or now coming home quite difficult. I don’t handle change very well and it actually can make me extremely poorly. I love being home […]

BBC Doctor Who Meme

Summer Deals for those Summer Feels

June 3, 2016 Jaz 0

Hello! Now! The summer break is among us and almost every student wants to be able to embrace the freedom they are given away from those important exams, group projects and modules! I love the […]

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