Unsuccessful? Here are your Next Steps!

Unsuccessful blog here are your next steps

It’s something that we all experience at some point: rejection. Rejection may dent our confidence and lower our motivation to keep trying. But now is the best time to work over those feelings! 

So, here are my top tips to help you keep trying, applying, and staying positive.

Remain Professional 

If it feels right, ask to be considered for other roles and thank the interviewer for their time. Whilst you may not have been the best fit for the role you have applied for, don’t burn those bridges.  

Connect with your employer on LinkedIn and follow their page to see what other opportunities they have for you. It’s a fact that kindness goes a long way, so who knows what could happen? Perhaps another similar role will open within that company, so the employer would contact you first! Keep your options open.

Ask for Feedback 

Follow-up the interview with an email asking for personal feedback. Not only will you get closure, but you may also find areas you need to work on. Whilst it is a bit uncomfortable to ask for feedback, their response could help you ace that next interview! 

You can also access the Careers Studio at Staffordshire University. Career Coaches can support you in a variety of ways. They can support you with personalising your CVs and cover letter. You can also have 1-to-1 practice interviews, sessions on confidencebuilding, and so much more. 

Talk to your family and peers. The worst thing to do after an interview is nothing; that would just eat you up! So, let it all out by talking to a trusted friend or family member. It will just ease the pressure, especially because they can relate on some level or another. 

Keep Your Head Held High 

Being unsuccessful does not mean that you have failed or are a failure. If you feel you were the perfect fit for the role, it’s important to note that the employer would’ve loved to have you on board, but another candidate just turned out to be stronger in one way or another.


Statistics says it all. Did you know that you may need to apply to 27 places before landing 1 interview? Give yourself a pat on your back for getting to the ‘interview’ stage in the first place.   

Consider all the positives that have come from the interview itself. Were there any unexpected questions that came up? Did you feel confident and prepared for the interview? Everything that happens is an opportunity, so look at the brighter side and keep trying. 

You got this! 

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