Successful? Here are your Next Steps!

Successful Here are your next steps

Successful? Here are your Next Steps!

It’s the best news you could have heard that day, but it’s not over yet. There are still many things you can do to prepare for your new role and that you should try to do before you start!

So, here are our top tips to help you get into the groove of your new position and settle in as best you can!


First thing’s first

Now you have been accepted for the role you need to say yes, it would also be courteous to thank the interviewer and the Unitemps consultant for their time. Thankfully you were the best fit for the role, now is the time to create a connection (you never know when you may need to find employment again!). If you haven’t updated your LinkedIn for a while this is the perfect opportunity (with a great profile picture too!)

Connect with your new employer on LinkedIn and follow the company pages if you haven’t already to give a good first impression. This is also an opportunity to have another look at the company and who you will be working with.


Don’t Forget

Follow-up the interview with an email asking for personal feedback. Even though you got the role, they may have some valuable feedback to find areas you need to work on (and might also highlight the areas where you shine). Try not to be uncomfortable when asking for feedback, as you did get the role and their response could help you further improve for a future interview.


Getting ready for your role

Discuss the news with your family and peers, they may have supported you through your application so make sure to show your appreciation for this. Celebrate your successes and think about what you did that caught their eye. Discuss what the role entails and when you are likely to be working and how much. Make sure to not get snowed under as soon as you start and manage your time well. If you used the career studio then make sure to thank them for their support too!

Now you have been successful and thanked anybody who supported your application it’s time to prepare for work.


A few key things to make sure you do before starting work


  • Accept the role – make sure you have contacted your Unitemps consultant or new employer to accept the role!
  • Research the company – make sure you know what they do and where they provide their services the more you know about them on your first day the more prepared you will look.
  • Update your Account – ensure your Unitemps account has all your most recent information on such as emergency contacts and bank details (so you can get paid!)
  • Find out how to submit timesheets – ensure you know how to submit timesheets, your consultant should send you a document showing how to do this or you can visit here for more information.
  • Update your calendar – make notes of key dates in your calendar, for example timesheet approval deadlines, pay days, days you are due to work and employment start and end dates.
  • Ensure you know how to submit holiday pay requests – whilst working through Unitemps you will likely accrue holiday pay at an hourly rate, this can be requested at the “Claim holiday pay” tab in your Unitemps account, take a look to make sure you know where this is.
  • Ensure you know how to get to work – plan the bus route or work out how much traffic there will be if you drive (you don’t want to be late for your first shift!)
  • Prepare to Dress to impress – Make sure to make a great first impression by dressing to impress.


Are you #Readyforwork?

Now you should be ready to start work, make sure you have confirmed your start date with both your new employer and the Unitemps consultant.

Good luck in your new role and don’t forget to follow our social media so you can share our opportunities to your connections too!


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