Moving In….Moving Out

Zach's room as he moves out

Zach's room as he moves outMoving in, I can guarantee it’ll be the first thing on everyone’s mind mid-august/start September. For first years it’s what do I need, quick google a list of what to take to university or send mum to Wilkinson’s or Tesco to get all the kitchen equipment you need. Well I’ve learnt one thing this year, as much as those lists are great they aren’t gospel. Really think if you will actually need it all. I found that I took some things at the start of this year and never used them and have had to bring them back unused. So have forward thinking and be brutal in decisions you will thank yourself when your moving out and have more stuff than you can cope with. Worst comes to worst if you do find you need it then you can always buy it once you’ve moved in.



My top 3 essentials:
• Clothes – focus mainly on winter clothes because you can always swap for your summer wardrobe or get more when you go back home for Christmas but winter is first.
• Kitchen essentials – plates, cutlery and cooking trays…lets be honest you need to eat dominoes is only affordable occasionally.
• Educational stuff – pens, pencils, notepad, laptop or tablet. All those things that you’ll need in your lectures to take notes and learn.

Please don’t be the person I saw on my moving in day who turned up no lie with the clothes on his back and a toothbrush expecting the university to have provided him with everything waiting for him in his room.

Moving out, often a sad time, sometimes a celebration depends when it’s done. But for me this year moving out of both, leaving my own independent life I’d built to go back home seemed a bit strange, but I was also happy cause it means I’m going home to family and friends which means the summer party can begin!

Moving out wasn’t easy though, purely based on the amount of stuff I had, three cars full and how I fit it in to my on bedroom en-suite room I’ll never know, I had one wardrobe, a desk and four draws and I’ll still never figure out where I stored all the stuff that I took back with me! Which will certainly be making me think what I pack to bring with me next year. So if you’re coming to university in September please think hugely about what you bring because, you’ll not only have to take that back but everything you acquire over the year. Get help where you can because I can assure you carrying boxes and bags up and down stairs and across a car park to your car is tiring after the 4th or 5th trip. My top tip would be getting a trolley, this was my life saver when moving out it allowed me to take 3 or 4 bags out at a time and body didn’t ache as much as when I moved in. The two below are great value at £29.99 each, the red one is adaptable to be up right or lay flat. You can buy them from JTF wholesalers in Fenton, otherwise B&Q and other DIY stores will stock them.

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About Zach 37 Articles
Hi, I'm Zach - your typical Yorkshire lad. I chose Staffs because of the links to Engineering, and because of Alton Towers (I live and breathe roller-coasters!). I'm also pretty obsessed with sport, and spend my spare time watching football, rugby, F1 and BTCC. My dream career will be to work for Bentley Motors; it combines my love on engineering and cars! I'm most proud of my car, I take so much pride in it!

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