Gaining Practical Experience: A Placement with Staffs Police

Final year MSci Forensic Investigation student, Elli Sarvari, discusses her placement with Staffordshire Police in the Justice Services Department. 

Starting in January 2018, as part of my MSci Forensic Investigation degree, I undertook a placement. I was luckily enough to be given the opportunity to work alongside Staffordshire Police in the Justice Services Department. In Justice Services I was based within the Vulnerable Victim Unit (VVU). The Unit is newly formed and aims to “enable Staffordshire Police to be better and more consistent in its delivery of services to victims and witnesses, particularly the most vulnerable.” The VVU achieve their aim through conducting research and developing current strategies. They are also a reference point for both external (Criminal Justice Partners) and internal (Office of Police and Crime Commissioner) work surrounding victims.

Whilst working alongside the VVU I conducted some research. The research centered around Special Measures, which is an entitlement for any victim or witness identified as vulnerable or intimidated as per the Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Act 1999. Special Measures are a form of support that an identified vulnerable or intimidated victim or witness can use in court. These include support such as screening from the defendant when presenting in court and removal of wigs and gowns. My research centered around the process of applying for Special Measures and, if it was effective, to help improve the service to victims and witnesses. I was able to access live systems used between the Police and the Criminal Justice System to conduct the research. I was ultimately able to provide recommendations to Staffordshire Police in how they could improve their service to victims in relation to Special Measures.

Alongside conducting the research, I was able to attend meetings surrounding the topic of victims and witnesses, such as the Victim and Witness Service Improvement Group chaired by ACC Barnett – who is also the National Police Lead for Victims and Witnesses; I conducted environmental scanning the shared to the meeting attendees. I was also given the opportunity to undertake some scoping on behalf of ACC Barnett surrounding research into a National Victim Strategy.

I had a fantastic experience at my placement, and it gave me irreplaceable knowledge. I am very thankful for the opportunity and I would advise anyone given the opportunity to take a placement to do so. I was able to network and learn about the wider area of jobs available to me. I just want to thank the VVU and Staffordshire Police for giving me the opportunity.

Elli Sarvari

Kathleen’s Prize Award Ceremony

Academics were asked to nominate the best work, from their level 4 students, for the annual Kathleen’s Awards Ceremony in March. Many paid tribute at the ceremony to Staffordshire University Librarian, Kathleen Morgan, who sadly passed away in September 2014. 

Winner, Matthew Harvey – from the School of Health and Social Care – was awarded his certificate and £50 Amazon voucher from Dr Sean Curley – Dean of the School of Law, Policing and Forensics – who said:

“The standard of entries this year has been fantastic and it’s a pleasure and a privilege to be here. The competition has been fierce and you are all winners… You should all congratulate yourselves.”

Kathleen’s mother attends every year and remembers the impact Kathleen had on the students. Alison Pope, Learning and Information Services Manager, said:

“In the course of several roles Kathleen filled, her passion to help students realise their potential shone out.She instigated the InfoZone programme which helps orientate first year students and assists them in making the transition from school or college to University level research.”Among the runners up was BA (Hons) Sociology, Criminology and Deviance student, Adam William Colclough and BSc (Hons) Policing and Criminal Investigation, student Georgina Buckley.
  • Jake Rodgers (CAE) nominated by Tony CRAIG
  • Rachel Day (CAE) nominated by Simon SMITH
  • Dylan Foster (BLE) nominated by Aisha ABUELMAATTI
  • Grace Thomson (BLE) nominated by Aisha Abulemaatti
  • Mollie Barker (BLE) nominated by Aisha Abulemaatti
  • Ciaran Pearson-More (LSE) nominated by Philip WALKER
  • Georgina Buckley (LPF) nominated by Rachel BOLTON-KING
  • Constantinos Pavlakos (LPF) nominated by Rhiannon FROST
  • Lindsay Franklin (HSC) nominated by Maqsoodah ASHRAF
  • Richenda Treharne (HSC) nominated by Lisa Beeston
  • Katie Roughan (HSC) nominated by Lisa Beeston
  • Adam Colclough (LPF) nominated by Emma TEMPLE-MALT
  • Rahee Ali (LSE) nominated by Paul ORSMOND
  • Kalina Kolchevska (CDT) nominated by Alke GROPPEL-WEGENER

Congratulations to all of our students for all your hard work!




What You Can Expect on Our Offer Holder Days

We had our third Offer Holder Day, on Saturday 17th February, for our 2018 entry applicants. The School of Law, Policing and Forensics applicants met our staff, a few of our students, and experienced taster sessions of what they can expect if they choose to study at Staffordshire University.

Chemistry is a part of the School of Law, Policing and Forensics, and is new for 2018. Our Chemistry applicants had hands on experience in our labs, where they conducted some paracetamol analysis and calculations .

Law applicants on a mixture of our Law courses, including the new BA Criminal Justice with Offender Management, got involved in two interactive sessions.

Louis Martin and Anna Garland used real life case studies and encouraged interactive discussions. Louis focused on serial killers and Criminal Law and Anna discussed the core areas of Legal study that students can expect to learn about (Contract Law, Tort Law, Constitutional Law, Property Law, Equitable Remedies, EU Law and Criminal Law), using a few of the following examples:

Donoghue v Stevenson (1932)
The Conjoined Twins: Surgical Separation (2001)
Jolly v Sutton LBC (2000).

Former Senior Investigating Officer for Staffordshire Police and Course Leader of our Policing and Criminal Investigation courses, Phil Lee, briefed our applicants and then took them to the crime scene house; they took the role of Senior Investigating Officers, where they used body cameras and recorded evidence.


Professor James Treadwell encouraged our Sociology and Criminology applicants to think like a Sociologist and Criminologist when discussing topical images. Applicants were then given the opportunity to speak to one of our current Sociology students and ask questions.

Forensic Science and Forensic Investigation applicants were suited in protective clothing and had practical experience of crime scene processing and evidence analysis – at our crime scene house and labs.

Our next Offer Holder Day will take place on Wednesday 14th March. Find out more on our website.

What a Welcom(ing) Week it was to Start the Academic Year

Follow us on Twitter: #proudtobestaffs

The academic year has gotten off to a fantastic, albeit busy, start. Welcome Week saw the arrival of new and returning students and LPF staff were delighted to begin teaching.

LPF first year students were introduced to our staff


For our first year students, the week commenced with enrolment and welcome talks from the Vice Chancellor, Liz Barnes, individual subject talks, safety talks from Staffordshire Univeristy Police, the societies and clubs fair and exciting activities – allowing students and staff to get to know one another.



Students had the opportunity to chat to staff over a warm drink and biscuits and receive one of the departmental hoodies.

Students enjoyed a few activities to ease them into the academic year…

Students linking pipe cleaners together to represent increasing their social capital and networking

Criminal Justice and Forensic Science quiz winners: 1st Rebecca Wheeler & Hannah Blackburn. 3rd place Kathryn Davis.

… and the week ended with a mock court trial at Hanley Court.

The jury taking notes

Teaching is now well underway and our students are working hard and are eager to learn. Returning students are already getting involved with various assements, projects, and mentoring.

Course mentors for Level Four Criminal Justice and Forensic Science Students

Preparing the Crime Scene House for a practical














The Law Society

The Forensic Dive Club








Here is to a wonderful academic year: 2017-2018! #proudtobestaffs



Graduates of 2017

Proud friends and family members cheered as our – School of Law, Policing and Forensic – graduates received their much-deserved certificates, yesterday afternoon in Trentham gardens.

Guests were not alone in celebrating the success of our graduates. Staff, dressed in their gowns which demonstrate their academic achievement, applauded the achievement of their former students. Speeches were given by the Vice Chancellor, Professor Liz Barnes, our Dean of Law Policing and Forensics, Sean Curley, and the Student Union Vice-President, Swetha Reddy.

Nigel Meadows, Senior Coroner of Manchester City and former LLB Law graduate of Staffordshire University was awarded the Honorary Doctor of Laws. He is also a member of the group for the National Enquiry into suicide and homicide by people with mental illness, a Director of Training for Coroners for the National Judicial College and a representative of the Coroners Society on the Forensic End Users Group.

Kayleigh Sheppard and Alison Davidson, one of Staffordshire University’s own Specialist Skills Technicians, were award their PhDs.

Kayleigh Sheppard, PhD, with the Vice Chancellor, Professor Liz Barnes

Kayleigh’s thesis was titled ‘An evaluation of the use of 360 degree photographic technology in a forensic context’.

“My thesis explored the use of 360 degree photographic technology for recording and presenting crime scenes in the courtroom and sought to validate such technology for use within criminal investigations. In addition, the research sought to adapt the existing camera technology to incorporate lighting systems to allow the detection and visualisation of biological fluids at crime scenes [and] to make such camera technology systems more versatile within criminal investigations.”

Alison Davidson, PhD

Alison’s thesis was titled ‘A study of the Potential Evidential Value of Perfumes, Antiperspirants and Deodorants in Forensic Science’.

“I was interested in whether the aroma chemicals we apply to our skin and clothes every day can tell investigators who we are and what we do, and whether, if a suspect leaves a garment at a crime scene it could be matched to the suspect later by the smelly chemicals on the clothes and skin. As I’m still working in the Analytical Methods Laboratory I’ll be continuing to research the human chemical profile and what it can reveal about our lifestyle.”


After the ceremony, celebratory drinks were had and there was no shortage of places to have a celebratory bite to eat. The sun had finally made an appearance and many took the opportunity of taking momentous photos in the scenic grounds of Trentham. The Staffordshire University merchandise also proved a great success.




Overall it was wonderful day and university staff and current student ambassadors enjoyed sharing the day. Congratulations graduates of Law, Policing and Forensics!

Taking the School of Law, Forensics and Policing out for the Day.

We’ve been out and about today at the Staffordshire County Show. The day was lovely and we had the chance to chat to people interested in our degrees.

SU Alumn (nursing)



Alumni family, both retired police officers.

It was particularly lovely to meet some of our alumni from nursing, counselling and law, and ex-police officers who came up to talk to us about how impressed they were by policing graduates and what they brought to the force.



9:00 am and this was our first ‘customer’. And look! She matches!


The team try to solve the puzzles we are giving away.


“Now what were you thinking of studying at university?


At the end of the day we had the chance to look around.

Boer Goats

Spinning wool

Judging cattle

Lichfield Mobile Belfry

End of Year Round Up

It’s the end of the first semester as a new school and things are beginning to settle into their new shape.

There have been many student successes. Kerry Willis who is graduating from Forensic Science has a position as an intelligence analyst with Derbyshire police; Tayla Pomroy will be moving to a position as a detention officer;

Victrina Cuffie

Victrina Cuffi has been called to the bar while Arpan Bedi has been awarded a BPTC scholarship by Middle Temple. Harriet Rowley was awarded a Temple Pegasus Access and Support Scheme (PASS).

Kayleigh Shepphard

PASS is a scheme in place to assist those from “non-traditional” backgrounds to gaining a career at the Bar; this includes help in attaining mini-pupillages, as well as the opportunity to attend networking and advocacy workshops. Sociology students created an important theatrical intervention event with Dr. Emma Temple-Mault which engaged many offender management teams in the area.

Sociology students after the Intervention workshop.

Many of the Forensic Science students joined with students from Keele at the Potteries Museum  for an outreach event on science, technology and the First World War. And one of our PhD Students, Kayleigh Sheppard had an article featured in Forensic Science International.

There are plans for new ventures in the School including a new Small and Medium Sized Legal Services Hub within the School and tied to the Law Clinic which is expanding. Next year there will be a  cross School major incident simulation, a Law Conference for teachers and an Outreach event for British Science Week. A new degree in Criminology and Offender Management, and an MSci in Chemistry both launch next year at our Autumn Open Day on October 15th.  The BA In Criminology and Offender Management is a must for anyone interested in work in the probation service or the prison service.

Louis Martin who will lead the BA Criminology and Offender Management

There are plans shaping up for new Policing degrees and HIgher Apprenticeships to support the forthcoming Police Educations Framework, while Rhonda Hammond-Sharlot is working with local businesses to develop the Legal Practice Higher Apprenticeships–we expect to have at least thirty places by January 2018.

Dr. Graham Williams will join us later this summer as Head of Criminal Justice and Forensics, alongside Ruby Hammer who is Head of Law. We are already advertising new posts in Law to join our team.

Ruby Hammer


The Criminal Justice team also welcomes Dr. Jo Turner as Course Leader of Criminology and Professor James Treadwell as a new Professor within the group. Jo Turner is the co-author of Godfrey, B. Cox, D., Johnston, H., Turner, J.  ‘I am afraid she is perfectly responsible for her actions and is simply wicked’: Reconstructing the Criminal Career of Julia Hyland (Bloomsbury Press).

Jo Turner


James Treadwell is the co-author among other things of Riots and Political Protest and Fan Behaviour and Crime: Contemporary Issues.

Professor James Treadwell

Prior to becoming an academic, he worked for the crime reduction charity NACRO, and qualified as a Probation Officer in the West Midlands, working in both adult and youth settings. He was also an academic advisor on the Howard League Commission into Ex-Military Personnel in Prison.

The School has had good research news with a Winston-Churchill travel fellowship for Dr. Laura Walton-Williams, a book contract for Rachel Bolton-King and a joint contract for the key Torts text book for Ruby Hammer and Matt Sadler. Assoc. Professor Keith Puttick is working with the Sri Lankan government on a new maternity leave policy and is engaged with international organisations on a survey of best practice. Dr. Rainer-Elk Anders is working on an anti radicalization project with colleagues in Birmingham and this summer will be in Ukraine working on anti-terrorism initiatives.

In January Juliet Prince (Policing) and Laura Walton-Williams (Forensic Science) are running an  ‘Investigating Sexual Violence’ Conference. Sarah Page has been successful in her CHAD bid for the a sociological investigation of breast feeding and Public Health. This means there will be a chance for two undergraduate researchers to work with her on real life research.

Matt Sadler

Keith Puttick

Rachel Bolton-King

Laura Walton-Williams


Still thinking? Book your place for an Open Day.


Rainer-Elk Anders

Juliet Prince

What are we doing this summer? The first of an ongoing set of posts…

It can seem that academics have a lot of free time in the summer, but it’s often when we do research work, prepare classes, and organise conferences. I’ll be posting news here from different parts of the School.


Juliet Prince and Laura Wlaton-Williams are spending part of  the summer organising a conference. Farah, myself and Laura are arranging the below and are happy for this to appear on a blog

The Criminal Justice and Forensic Science Department will be holding the inaugural, cross-disciplinary ‘Investigating Sexual Violence’ Conference in January 2018.  The aim of this conference is to explore current challenges and future developments in the entirety of the investigatory process into sexual offences.  The conference will include presentations and workshops from academics and practitioners from within Law, Criminology, Health, Nursing, Psychology, Forensic Science and Policing fields.  This  one day conference is relevant to Police Forces, Criminal Justice Agencies, academics, students and those working for organisations involved in supporting victims of sexual offences.

In addition all the PCI lecturers are spending considerable time over the summer considering the College of Policing proposals regarding apprenticeships and pre-join degrees.


GradEx 2017

This is the third year of the GradEx show and the Forensics, Policing and Criminal Investigation team submitted over sixty entrants. It took three rooms to hold them. They take up 8 pages in the catalogue.

The day began with a visit from the Mayor 


and a welcome from the Grad Ex team, 



then it was on to meet the judges…

It’s not possible to mention all the papers, but highlights include Mia Jane’s Abbott’s work examining the Amnesty Box at music festivals for “legal highs”, Natalie Atkinson’s project on the persistence of bodily fluids after immersion, which will provide evidence in rape trials. Jake Bayliss was also working on persistence of fibres, this time comparing the effects of still water to moving water (in the river Trent) over a six week period. Jessica Crossland looked at the evidential value of tatoos both permanent and temporary and the effect of fire and chemical burning on discolouration.  Josh Hill explored the scatter pattern of microparticles from gunshots, and Tim Mussellwhite explored the small drones by the police and crime investigation authorities.Jessica Wakefield-Baugh revisted Oswiecim (Auschwitz) to remap the charted graves and uncover new ones.

The winners were Elli Savari, MSci Investigation supervised by Laura Walton-Williams and Lance Malcolm, supervised by David Flatman-Fairs.






Overall a fantastic day. Thank you in particular to Laura Walton-Williams and Juliet Prince for all their work.