Bear with a Care – The Final Chapter

The time has come to say goodbye to our favourite bears. Let’s see what they have been up to in their final week. 

Baby Bear is such a good helper

Linda Wilson was the lucky winner of the Donna Louise bear

What do we have here: an important letter?

Divoc is excited by his letter

Time to pack (one day to go)

…and just like that, it’s time to say farewell.

Farewell to Divoc, Margie and Tootsie.

Thank you to Kath for the wonderful Bears with a Care, and everyone who donated.

Kath has said “thank you to everyone who has supported us. We have raised an awesome £2610 for the Donna Louise Hospice.” 

Bear with a Care – Chapter 8

Let’s find out how Divoc, Margie and Tootsie have been getting on since last week.

Time for Tootsie’s weigh-in

Weaning starts

Tootsie is getting big now

What’s going on here?

Bake Sale!

Sunday jobs

Astronomy lessons with Daddy Bear

The link to the Donna Louise Hospice Care is here for Facebook and here for Just Giving, if you would like to help Kath’s Bears with a Care raise money.

Check out the blog every Monday for your weekly update of Bear with a Care.

Bear with a Care Chapter 7 – Baby’s Name Reveal

Last week we saw Divoc and Margie’s first week of parenting. Now, Baby Bear has a name. Let’s find out what he is called.

It rained a lot last week! The dog still needs to be walked…

Baby’s first swim

Story time with Daddy Bear

Time for Baby Bear’s name reveal…


Mums and Tots time.

Divoc’s first Father’s Day

Margie is on a mission to lose the baby weight.

The link to the Donna Louise Hospice Care is here for Facebook and here for Just Giving, if you would like to help Kath’s Bears with a Care raise money.

Anyone who donates is in with a chance to win their own bear (winner announced 30th June).

Win Your Own Bear

Check out the blog every Monday for your weekly update of Bear with a Care.

Bear with a Care – Chapter 6: The New Arrival

Last week we found out that Divoc and Margie were expecting a baby bear. Let’s see how they are getting on with parenthood…

First though, it’s time for the Baby Shower

Margie, it’s time!

Hello Baby Bear!

Time to take baby home

The perks of parenthood

Here come the visitors

Time for a family photo shoot

Poor dog

The link to the Donna Louise Hospice Care is here for Facebook and here for Just Giving, if you would like to help Kath’s Bears with a Care raise money.

Anyone who donates is in with a chance to win their own bear (winner announced 30th June).

Win Your Own Bear

Check out the blog every Monday for your weekly update of Bear with a Care.

Bear with a Care – Chapter 5: New Beginnings

Divoc and Margie have been settling well into life at home, doing cooking, cleaning and playing games (including going on a log flume!). Let’s see what they have been up to since last week.

New beginnings…

Some exciting news!

Time to prepare for baby bear’s arrival…

Painting the nursery.

The dreaded flat-pack. You’ve got this Divoc! 



Shopping for some essentials…

Time for a clear out.

Margie’s changed her mind and Divoc needs gas and air!


‘Mum-to-be’ photo shoot.

The bears’ biggest fan received an honorary gift.

The link to the Donna Louise Hospice Care is here, if you would like to help Kath’s Bears with a Care raise money.

Anyone who donates is in with a chance to win their own bear (winner announced 30th June).

Win your own bear!

Check out the blog every Monday for your weekly update of Bear with a Care.

Bear with a Care – Chapter 4

The honeymoon over, the realisation of married life hit Divoc and Margie last week. Let’s see how our favourite bears are doing now.


“Right foot on blue”…

The Great British Cook Off


There’s only one way to decide a tie break…

“Rock, paper, scissors, go…”

Divoc wins!

  A sweet treat for Margie


#SundayFunday – perfect day for a bike ride.


Fun in the sun – happy Monday everyone!


The link to the Donna Louise Hospice Care is here, if you would like to help Kath’s Bears with a Care raise money.

Check out the blog every Monday for your weekly update of Bear with a Care.

Bear with a Care – The Honeymoon is Over

Last week we shared photos of Divoc and Margie‘s ‘Big Day’. Let’s see what has happend since then, now the honeymoon is over.

The bears enjoyed a beary romantic dinner on the 19th May, before returning to normality.

“On this lovely bella notte”

Married Life – Chapter 1

The Honey Moon is officially over!

You missed a bit Divoc…

Time do all that holiday washing…

Call me Alan Titchmarsh

Married Life – Chapter 2

The Battle of the Duvet 

Poor Divoc

Comfy Margie?


The Battle of the TV Remote

A different table for two – who will be the Table Tennis Champion?

Back of the Net! Well done Margie!

The link to the Donna Louise Hospice Care is here, if you would like to help Kath’s Bears with a Care raise money.

Check out the blog every Monday for your weekly update of Bear with a Care.

Bear with a Care – The Wedding

In Last week’s blog we shared the news that Divoc and Margie were engaged! The 12th May was the special day, so let’s find out how it went…

I hear Wedding Bells…

Don’t lose the rings…

Let’s get the party started!

Someone get the best man a glass of water


Destination Bearbados


Let the Honeymoon begin!

Day 1

#TreatYourself – Spa days are a necessity 

Day 2

Just keep swimming…

Day 3

Bear Jovi perform the classic, “Living with a Bear”.

Day 4

The link to the Donna Louise Hospice Care is here, if you would like to help Kath’s Bears with a Care raise money.

Check out the blog every Monday for your weekly update of Bear with a Care.

Bear with a Care – Chapter 3

Let’s see what Bear with a Care has been up to since last week – there is some exciting news…

An exciting day on the 5th May – Does Margie say “yes”?

I think she did…time for the Hen Do!

Uh oh, then it was Divoc’s Stag Do! Warning contains adult material. 


VE Day Celebrations on the 8th May – and a chance to have your picture taken with Divoc and Margie 


Margie and Divoc went to the Zoo on the 9th May and there was a cheeky spot the difference competition. Watch out for the wild cats!


Time for a bit wedding organising (some working harder than others)!

And some essential wedding prep…

The link to the Donna Louise Hospice Care is here, if you would like to help Kath’s Bears with a Care raise money.

Check out the blog every Monday for your weekly update of Bear with a Care.


Bear with a Care – Chapter 2

Last week we introduced you to two interesting bears, Divoc and Margie. Their antics have been cheering up locals and colleagues alike, whilst raising money for the Donna Louise Trust.

Let’s see what they have been up to since then…

Breakfast in bed on their camping trip. I hope Divoc made the porridge just right!

Happy #Friyay – it’s the weekend!

First entry for the drawing competition:

Margie wasn’t expecting the window cleaner on Saturday morning!

Sunday night is movie night – who doesn’t love Disney’s The Jungle Book? Excellent drawings from Kath’s daughter.

#MotivationalMonday – time for some studying. Good luck to Margie and all of our students!

The link to the Donna Louise Hospice Care is here, if you would like to help Kath’s Bears with a Care raise money.

Check out the blog every Monday for your weekly update of Bear with a Care.