Book your places on two Innovate UK events

The first has a focus on Knowledge Transfer partnerships (KTPs) and the second looks at the wider range of calls open through Innovate UK.

Event 1

Finding, Applying and Managing Innovate UK-KTP Projects

29 January 2020
G028 (Cadman Studios/Cadman Lecture Theatres)

Dr Russ Bromley (Knowledge Transfer Adviser ‑ Shropshire, Staffordshire, South East Cheshire – Knowledge Transfer Network)
Holly HOAR (Research Development and Funding  Manager, Research Innovation and Impact Services)
Alastair Dawes (CDT Academic Practice Learning Manager)
Professor Huseyin Seker (CDT Associate Dean – Research & Enterprise)

Organised by Associate Dean Huseyin Seker

Please use the attendance buttons on this IRIS link to show if you are coming to this event

Event 2

Using Innovate UK Funding to grow research and industry

When: 8:30-9:30am Wednesday 26 February 2020

Who: Ewa Bloch Regional Manager Innovate UK

Where: LT111/113 Ashley Building, Staffordshire University, Leek Road,  Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 2DF

Staffordshire University are holding a 1 hour information session on Innovate UK. Part of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), Innovate UK seeks to bring together researchers and businesses to develop new ideas that drive productivity and economic growth.

As part of their remit to drive innovation, a range of competitively-tendered funding opportunities are managed by Innovate UK. The programmes, which encourage partnerships between research institutions and the business community, are designed to focus on highly-specific areas of development across a huge range of applications; from biofuel turbines to foot prosthetics.

This funding is not just linked to you having a product to develop, if a company is developing an idea, they may need academics to carryout research to understand what makes the product a success. This could be carrying our psychological research to see if an AI product is user friendly, or talking to people to see if an VR tool actually alleviates pain. Our academic knowledge can put us in an excellent position to really understand what makes people or businesses tick.

This event will provide information on Innovate UK funding, and give examples of projects explaining how Universities have contributed towards them. It is open to academic researchers and businesses interested in knowing more about the funding.

If you would like to attend, please register using this Eventbrite link.

PGR Event PHD By Published Work – 20th October 2016 1-3pm


PhD By Published Work Workshop

Thursday 20th October, Cadman Conference Room

1-3 p.m.


The PhD by Published Work Workshop is an alternate route to a research degree for people who already have a research career. This workshop will be an introduction to the principles and procedures, and will be of interest to anyone thinking this route might be for them, or know of a research colleague whom the route might benefit. Note also that the PhD by Published work regulations here at the University are scheduled to be reviewed, so we welcome attendees who have experience in this area, and can thus give us feedback that aides the crafting of the new set of regulations.


Please book on Iris if you intend to attend (under events/training) or email or simply drop in on the day.


Staff Research Conference 2016

Inspiring Research: Encouraging and Nurturing our Research Culture

You are invited to book your place and/or submit an abstract for our 1st university wide Staff Research Conference, on Tuesday 25 October (9.00am – 4.30pm) in the Ashley Conference Centre, Stoke.

The conference will focus on “Inspiring Research: Encouraging and Nurturing our Research Culture”.

Subject specific research is an important part of our academic role. Creating a vibrant research culture has been identified as a vital area of development for our institution moving forward. Research has a critical part to play in enhancing our reputation as a Higher Education provider and differentiating us from other teaching institutions, as well as numerous other benefits.

Professor Cliff Oswick has accepted our invitation to be the conference’s keynote speaker. He will provide an enthusiastic and inspiring insight into his experience of developing research culture at Cass Business School, City University London.

The remainder of the conference will be dedicated to 10-minute verbal presentations and poster sessions delivered by university staff with refreshments provided during the day.

Presentations should be an exciting insight into research you undertake in your field. Any member of staff are wanted to submit an abstract should complete the Abstract Submission Form  by 12pm Friday 29 July.

Conference presentations will be run as parallel sessions showcasing the extensive range of research undertaken at the university. They will facilitate cross-faculty communications and foster an inclusive, nurturing, supportive research environment for all. Oral/poster presentation content and delivery should aim to inspire, encourage and showcase your research.

Abstracts need to demonstrate how you will achieve this aim. Academic staff naturally have differing levels of research experience, from recently active researchers to very experienced Professors. Presenters will be selected based on their abstract and not prior research experience.

The conference will include small exhibition stands showcasing project work within services departments. Contact Holly Hoar or Esther Knight on to book a stand.

Book your place through Eventbrite here  

Post any questions on our Workspace on IRIS

Having you there is really important, even if you do not wish to present. The conference will facilitate cross-faculty networking and share our institutions research interests and achievements.


Professorship and Associate Professorship Call 2016 – Advisory Session

cropped-theprofessorisinrevised-banner-FACEBOOK-CopyTo support the Professorship/Associate Professorship call announced by the Vice Chancellor in January, Dr Steve Wyn Williams will run an advisory session to guide prospective applicants on the conferment process and criteria.

The session will be held on:-

  • Wednesday 9th March at 11.00 am in Cadman Executive Boardroom, Cadman Building, Stoke

The session will run for two hours.

In order to ensure that there is sufficient time for questions and discussion, attendance will be capped at twenty-five members of staff. If necessary an additional session will be arranged before 4th April deadline for applications .

Places must be booked and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. To book a place, please email  your request to by no later than 4th March 2016

Visit TAMK in Finland on Erasmus Funding

One of our key partners in the Business School is TAMK in Finland. The Business School has held staff and student exchanges with them. TAMK are currently a partner on an Erasmus+ Strategic partnership bid with Staffordshire University.

This year TAMK has 9 international themed weeks for academic and support staff, they have invited us to attend the workshops. As they are one of our Erasmus partners we already have an approved budget to attend, you just need to ask your faculty to use your Erasmus+ Key Action 1 budget for your travel and accommodation costs.

Sessions include:

  • International week on engineering
  • International week for business and services
  • International week for art, media and music
  • International week for social services and health care
  • International week for non-teaching staff

More details on the TAMK international weeks are here:

Information sessions for Erasmus+ newcomers

New to Erasmus+? Register for an information session

The UK National Agency are pleased to announce a series of information sessions on the Erasmus+ programme in the UK. The purpose of these events is to provide an overview of the funding opportunities available under Erasmus+ and is intended for newcomers to Erasmus+. There is no charge to attend but places are limited.

Who should attend?

The sessions are for any organisation in the UK working in the sectors of education, training, youth or sport. They are aimed at organisations new to Erasmus+, including anyone who has not yet applied for funding but would like to know more about the range of possibilities under the programme. If your organisation has applied before, we advise that you look out for our application support events, including webinars.

The agenda is designed to give a general introduction and overview of Erasmus+, followed by a closer explanation of the types of funding opportunities available and next steps. There will be the opportunity to meet UK National Agency staff and network over refreshments.

When and where?

We will be holding information sessions in six venues across the UK, all of which are half-day events finishing around 12.30pm.

Follow the links below to register online:

Tuesday 20 October 2015 The Studio, Birmingham Register your place
Monday 2 November 2015 Westminster Conference Centre, London Register your place
Wednesday 4 November 2015 The Studio, Manchester Register your place
Tuesday 10 November 2015 IET, Glasgow Register your place
Monday 23 November 2015 Wales Millennium Centre, Cardiff Register your place
Thursday 26 November 2015 The MAC, Belfast Register your place

If you have any questions about the information sessions, please email the Erasmus+ events team on

The team in Research Business & Employability Services (RBES) manage the Erasmus + proposal process for Staffordshire University, please let us know if you wish to attend or are interested in Erasmus + funding. You can reach us at our email or call Josephine Beech on 01782 294149.

The European Experience: A conference for Academics involved in EU funded projects

The European Experience: A conference for Academics involved in EU funded projects

Friday, 4 September 2015 from 09:00 to 17:00 (BST)

Stoke-on-Trent, United Kingdom


If you are, or have been, involved in EU funded projects, either as a partner or an observer, then this FREE event will interest you!

Staffordshire University is convening a one day meeting at their STOKE Campus, for other academics involved in EU projects.

We are targeting the event at academics that would like to either

  1. a) Tell other interested parties about the project they are involved in (and meet their dissemination targets)
  2. b) Learn from current or recent projects funded by the EU
  3. c) Network with experienced project coordinators for ideas and future collaborations.

Further details and booking information at:

Research Seminar – Computing, Engineering and Sciences


The External Projects Team recently supported a PHD seminar series in FCES, organised by Fran Stubbs, the series is designed to provide opportunities for PHD students to explore new topics and learn from the key speakers who are invited to attend.

The External Projects Team discussed bidding for research and in a EU context and provided tips to writing a successful proposal.

Pictured above are the PHD students and Jose Beech, External Grants Manager.

8th Edition of the BBVA Foundation frontiers of Knowledge awards

2015Nominacion_tcm270-493304World-class research and artistic creation of excellence will be awarded through the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards, which will be prizing originality, theoretical significance and ability to push back the frontiers of the known world. Significant achievements are also sought in key challenges of the 21st century: climate change and development cooperation.

Prize categories: Basic Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics), Biomedicine, Ecology and Conservation Biology, Information and Communication Technologies, Economics, Finance and Management, Contemporary Music, Climate Change and Development Cooperation.

Entry conditions: Candidates shall be one or more natural persons of any nationality, without limitation of number in the case of convergent contributions to a given advance. In categories 7 and 8 (climate change or development cooperation), entries are also open to public and not-for-profit organizations. Awards may not be granted posthumously.

A two stages selection process will involve technical evaluation committees and prize juries made up of internationally reputed experts.

Awards: €400,000, a diploma and a commemorative artwork in each prize category.

Deadline for applications: 30/06/2015.

For more information, please go to: