HEIF 15/16 Innovation Vouchers – Call OPEN

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Research, Business and Employability Services have opened a call for Innovation and Collaboration vouchers, open to all staff. Innovation and Collaboration Vouchers are designed to support innovative projects, collaborations with companies and cross faculty working.

Call Information

  • Application period: 5th – 30th October 2015
  • Total Budget for theme: 10 vouchers at £4k
  • Projects duration: 4 months
  • Not funded: Internal faculty admin costs, Research Projects, Training and Teaching and learning

The application form along with a best practice example is now available for download in the HEIF dropbox below:

HEIF 15-16 Innovation and collaboration voucher documents

* NOTE you do not require a Dropbox account to access the documents, close dialogue box (x in right hand corner) and the documents will be accessible



Image of Research Poster Competition – Enter today

Staff have the opportunity to enter a “Images of Research competition.” Last year 20 entries were recieved from across the institution and we are looking to replicate the success by running the competition this year.

What is required? An image and 150 words to describe your research – Be creative!

Who can enter? Staffordshire University Research Staff and Students inc PHD students

Deadline for entries: 30th October 2015

Contact info: Libby Plant RBES  – Libby.Plant@staffs.ac.uk

Please click this link for more information Images of Research Poster Competition Launch

Major Research Fellowships in the Humanities and Social Sciences

1586[1]Providing replacement teaching costs over two or three years, to allow academics in the humanities and social sciences to focus on a specific piece of original research.

These awards enable well-established and distinguished researchers in the humanities and social sciences to devote themselves to a single research project of outstanding originality and significance, capable of completion within two or three years. Candidates should state explicitly what the proposed outcomes of the award will be. Fellowships are particularly aimed at those who are or have been prevented by routine duties from completing a programme of original research.


The Fellowships fund the salary costs (normally starting at the most junior point of the lecturer scale at the institution concerned) of an individual to undertake the normal duties of the applicant for the duration of the Fellowship.

A Major Research Fellow may also request research expenses up to an annual maximum of £5,000.

The closing date for applications is 7 May 2015


The duration of a Fellowship is for two or three years, to start at the beginning of the 2016/17 academic year.

Eligibility and application information

Please read the following before submitting an application.


Nicola Thorp (020 7042 9872).


INTERREG EUROPE is the new Interreg IVC programme from 2014 to 2020. More than 800 people met last week (2nd and 3rd December 2014) in Bologna (Italy) for the launch of the new programme. See http://blogs.staffs.ac.uk/research/2014/12/05/launch-of-interreg-europe-in-bologna-2nd-and-3rd-december/

With a total budget of €359 million and 4 priority themes (Research and Innovation / SME competitiveness / Low carbon economy / Environment and resource efficiency), Interreg Europe is dedicated to improving public policies. It will support the design of strategies for influencing policy making in regional priority areas.

Here are 10 key points to take into account for developing a project:

  1. At least 3 countries (of which 2 EU member states at least)
  2. Preferably 5 to 10 partners maximum per project (financial beneficiaries).
  3. Maximum project duration: 5 years (4 years minimum).
  4. Between €1 to €2 million of ERDF per project (75% co financing rate for non-profit private sector / 85% co financing rate for public bodies).
  5. Policy makers, such as Local authorities, are key project partners and they need to be directly involved in the projects.
  6. The Lead partner can only be a public body.
  7. The project governance structure is extremely important: a Regional partnership board has to be set up. It will be composed of the competent organisations in the field tackled by the project. This group will need to be informed about the project development and to be brought into peer review visits, workshops, events, etc.-
  8. 5 budget lines: staff costs, administrative costs, travel & accommodation costs, studies, small equipment (office equipment).
  9. 15% of the envelope will support the administrative costs of the project. A €15,000 lump sum will be provided for the preparation cost. Both won’t need any proof or evidence to be claimed.
  10. The first call for proposals will open in April 2015, and will close in Sept 2015. No geographical criteria, no thematic criteria.

Follow the latest developments on www.interreg4c.eu/interreg-europe

The external projects team is populating a database with all the contacts made at the launch of Interreg Europe. This list will be made available on the CRM system, and it will also be emailed to the Faculties. Alternatively, please contact the external project team to find out more (Marie Pandolfo).

11.8 billion Euros for 2014-2020: the European Commission has formally adopted the UK partnership agreement on the 29th October.


The European Commission (EC) has adopted Partnership Agreements with six Member States on the 29th October, including the United Kingdom. The UK Partnership agreement allocates €11.8 billion of European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) for key thematic investments during the period 2014-2020. The UK government is now waiting for a formal response from the European Commission to its Operational Programmes.

The European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) covers the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the European Social Fund (ESF), the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF), and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). The funds are concentrated on a limited number of priorities for a better impact on growth and jobs in the UK: research and innovation, ICT, competitiveness of enterprises and low carbon economy represent more than 80% of the total allocations.

Both the European Commission and the United Kingdom are expecting to increase the number of innovative enterprises, including the number of collaborations between SMEs and academic institutions in the UK. Superfast broadband, low carbon economy, sustainable land management, inactivity levels, higher level training and skills are also within the main targets of the UK Partnership Agreement.

Within the ESI Funds Growth Programme, England is being allocated €3.6 billion of European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), €3.3 billion of European Social Fund (ESF), and €3.4 billion for Rural Development.

The ERDF and ESF Operational Programmes, which are breaking down the investment priorities and objectives of the Partnership Agreements into concrete actions, are due to be adopted by the European Commission in the next few months. Applications will then be able to be submitted to the relevant Managing Authorities of the programmes for applying to these funds.

To find out more:http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/newsroom/detail.cfm?id=1796&LAN=EN&lang=en

Latest funds on Research Professional 13/10/2014

Highlights of new funds on Research Professional

You can see the full list here: All new funds from the last two weeks

Catalyst Fund Higher Education Funding Council for England –Deadline 06/11/2014

This helps deliver strategic aims for higher education across research, teaching and knowledge exchange, and supports solutions at a time of changes to funding and regulation. £800,000.


Comparison of the costs and other practicalities of converting a town to alternative heating solutions including hydrogen (tender) Department of Energy and Climate Change –Deadline 10/11/2014

Desk study and site work to investigate and compare four technology solutions for the provision of heat for an actual UK town with a population of around 10,000 to 15,000.


Funding for PhDs in improvement science Health Foundation –Deadline 28/10/14

Support four research organisations in developing multidisciplinary teams to undertake research with a direct relevance to improvement science within UK healthcare.


Transformative research call Economic and Social Research Council –Deadline 19 February 2015

Provide a stimulus for genuinely transformative research ideas at the frontiers of the social sciences, enabling research which challenges current thinking to be supported and developed.


Incentivising poverty reduction in local growth strategies Joseph Rowntree Foundation –Deadline 07/11/2014

Develop a package of policy proposals to encourage, support and incentivise city level stakeholders to better integrate poverty reduction within local economic growth strategies.


Joint master’s degrees Erasmus+ -Deadline 04/03/2014

Foster quality improvements, innovation, excellence and internationalisation in higher education institutions. Increase the quality of HE by offering full degree scholarships to the best master’s students worldwide. Improve the level of competencies and skills of master’s graduates.


Sector skills alliances Erasmus+ -Deadline 26/02/2014

Tackle skills gaps, and enhance the responsiveness of initial and continuing vocational education and training systems to sector-specific labour market needs and demand for new skills with regard to one or more occupational profiles.


Strategic partnerships in the field of education, training and youth Erasmus+ -Deadline 30/04/2015

Priorities: •develop basic and transversal skills in all fields of education, training and youth; •develop new approaches to strengthen education and training of prospective and practicing educators as well as youth workers; •enhance digital integration in learning, teaching, training and youth work. Follow link for more priorities.


Mobility projects in the field of education and training Erasmus+ -Deadline 04/03/2015

One or more of the following activities: a study period abroad at a partner higher education institution; a traineeship (work placement) abroad in an enterprise or any other relevant workplace.


www.researchprofessional.com -The world’s leading provider of news and funding information for research professionals. Step by step guide to using Research Professional

Latest funds on Research Professional 26/09/2014

The External Projects Team has changed the way they provide information on upcoming funds. Instead of updating a spreadsheet, we will post bi-weekly highlights of new funds posted on Research Professional.

Highlights of new funds on Research Professional

You can see the full list here: All new funds from the last two weeks

Health services and delivery research programme NIHR -Deadline: 18/12/2014

Evaluating models of service delivery and interventions which have the potential to improve service effectiveness, efficiency and productivity.



Senior non-clinical fellowship MRC –Deadline 28/04/2015

Provides non-clinical researchers opportunity to develop themselves into research leaders.



Innovation Projects NERC –Deadline 18/12/2014

Activities between the science community and end users to develop products, models and tools that have the potential to generate significant impact through meeting the needs of users but generate no commercial return.



Newton advanced fellowships Royal Society –Deadline 22/10/2014

Develop science and innovation partnerships that promote the economic development and welfare of developing countries



Forensics Call Innovate UK –Deadline 22/10/2014

Proof of concepts for technologies and processes which aid the rapid location and recovery of forensic material at crime scenes.



Newton Mobility Grants Royal Society –Deadline 22/10/2014

Host international researchers in order to build lasting networks or strengthen emerging collaborations in any discipline within the life and physical sciences, excluding clinical medicine.



Darwin Fellowship Awards DEFRA –Deadline 27/10/2014

Enable promising individuals from developing countries to come to the UK for a period of training or research and broaden their knowledge and experience in biodiversity.



Digital transformations small grants AHRC –Deadline 27/11/2014

Practice-based researchers work with colleagues in other arts and humanities disciplines to explore how the use of digital technologies is transforming engagement with cultures and societies.


www.researchprofessional.com -The world’s leading provider of news and funding information for research professionals. Step by step guide to using Research Professional