Wellcome Trust Awards – Society & Ethics


The Wellcome Trust invites applications for its university awards in society and ethics. These allow universities to attract or retain outstanding research staff at an early to mid-stage in their careers by providing support for up to five years, after which time the applicant takes up a guaranteed permanent post in the university. A monograph and other substantial publications are expected to result from an award, and so teaching and other non-research commitments are expected to be minimal during the period of support.

Candidates must be nominated by their prospective head of department and have an undertaking from the head of the institution, vice-chancellor, principal or dean that the personal support will be taken over by the institution at the end of the grant. Support is normally available only at lecturer level, although in exceptional cases awards to senior lecturer level may be possible. The host institution should normally be located in either the UK or Republic of Ireland.

Up to five years’ support is available, providing a full salary for three years, 50 per cent in the fourth year and 25 per cent in the fifth year. The trust provides travel costs to attend meetings for five years and other research expenses for the first three years of the award. Public engagement costs may also be included.

For more information click here: Wellcome Trust Awards

Royal Society/Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellowships


      Leverhulme Trust

This scheme is for scientists who would benefit from a period of full-time research without teaching and administrative duties.

The scheme reimburses the employing institution with the full salary cost of a teaching replacement.

The scheme covers all areas of the life and physical sciences, including engineering, but excluding clinical medicine.

The applicant must

  • have a PhD or equivalent
  • hold a permanent post at a UK university or not-for-profit institution
  • be at a stage in their career when they would particularly benefit from a period of full-time research

The award lasts between one term and one academic year.

The applicant’s employing institution will be reimbursed for the full salary cost of a teaching replacement (up to the equivalent of the minimum point on the lectureship scale as paid by the host university).

Research expenses up to a maximum of £2,500 are available to each fellow to cover the costs of consumables, equipment, travel and communicating science.

Eligibility requirement can be found in the scheme notes.

For further information on how to apply go to http://royalsociety.org/grants/schemes/leverhulme-trust-senior-research/

Sustainable Society Network

This small fund targets Early Career Researchers. It can be applied to at anytime and is looking for cross disciplinary work around digital technologies and sustainability, which makes it a good fit to a number of research areas in the University.

Funding Body: Sustainable Society Network

Scheme: Small Grants open call

Overview: Small grants provide funding for projects, or other activities, that lead to, or support, cross-disciplinary collaboration in the use of digital technologies to promote and support a sustainable society. The applications should address the “three pillars” (UN, 2005) or “triple bottom line” (Elkington, 1994) of sustainability – social, economic, and environmental. These will be up to 3 months in duration and are designed to test new ideas or create novel linkages between research areas.

We encourage applications led by early career researchers (defined as within 5 years of their PhD submission).

  • resource consumption (e.g. water, waste, and energy)
  • environmental degredation and contamination (e.g. air, soil, noise, water)
  • local and national transport, water, waste, and energy, and ICT infrastructures
  • architecture, landscape architecture, town and country planning, building science
  • national and international supply chains
  • rural and urban enterprise infrastructures
  • support health and wellbeing (this call will NOT fund clinical trials)
  • social infrastructure support mechanisms
  • sustainable prosperity
  • safety and emergency services
  • environmental and engineering policy

Budget: Funding for 80% of a project costing up to £3,000 is available for applications led by staff from UK universities and research organisations

Deadlines: The fund closes on the first of every month (but will shut on the 15th for the January call)

Further Information: http://sustainablesocietynetwork.net/open-call-submissions/


Wider Outlook: December’s edition now here



The External Project’s Team newsletter Wider Outlook for December is now here –


the team has chosen the theme of  Horizon 2020 this month—our annual UK Research Office UKRO event on December 11th will major on the new EU research funding programme –and this month’s edition is full of tips, information and advice to get your project off the ground. As ever do contact us with any comments, ideas or suggestions at  externalprojects@staffs.ac.uk.




Horizon 2020 briefing sessions

As we are coming close to the launch of the first series of Horizon 2020 calls on December 11th, Beta Technology and the Environment Sustainability Knowledge Transfer Network (ESKTN),are organising webinars on 5th December on the following topics:

  • 10.00 – 11.00: Food Security Societal Challenge (Jane Watkins, UK National Contact Point for Food Security Challenge)
  • 11.00 – 12.00: Climate Change Societal Challenge (Catherine Holt, UK National Contact Point for Climate Change)
  • 14.30 – 15.30: SME Instrument (Steve Bradley, UK National Contact Point for SMEs)

The webinars can be viewed via http://tinyurl.com/esktntv. Further information from Beta Tehcnology at http://www.betaeurope.co.uk/news.htm



NESTA – Impact Investments

NESTA the innovation funder has a number of open funding opportunities. One of these is the Impact Investment Awards. They aim to bring about positive outcomes for people, communities and society as a whole, as well as providing financial returns for investors.

Impact investment is needed to fund the creation of new innovations and to support their testing and development. It also allows the best ones to scale up and change the world. This is as true of innovation that seek to achieve social impact as it is of those motivated by creating financial value.

In particular, NESTA are seeking innovations that have a positive impact on:

  • the health and wellbeing of an ageing population;
  • the educational attainment and employability of children and young people; and
  • the social and environmental sustainability of communities.
This is a open call and has a rolling deadline. To find out more please visit the WEBLINK

Public health research programme – commissioned calls for proposals: 13/90, 13/91, 13/93

The Department of Health’s National Institute for Health Research invites proposals for commissioned research projects under its public health research programme.

The following commissioning briefs are now available.

13/90 – Interventions to maintain or increase physical activity in adolescents

13/91 – Interventions to prevent elder abuse

13/93 – Social and emotional wellbeing in early years

Closing Date: 18th December 2013

For guidance notes and application information: http://www.nets.nihr.ac.uk/funding/phr-commissioned



Horizon 2020 work programmes published by European Commission




The European Commission has started publishing drafts of some Horizon 2020 Work Programmes. These are now available on the official Horizon 2020 website.http://ec.europa.eu/research/horizon2020/index_en.cfm?pg=h2020-documents

Some draft Work Programmes for Horizon 2020 have now been made available by the European Commission. To date, these include the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, ICT, Access to Risk Finance, the ‘Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials’ societal challenge and the European Research Council.

The current drafts give information on the likely topics or actions for funding and the planned calls for proposals. Some indicate budgets and deadlines. For each topic, there are three sub-headings, the “Specific Challenge”, the “Scope” and the “Expected Impact”.

These are still drafts and changes can be made before the adoption of the final work programmes and their publication. The Commission is publishing these drafts to allow potential applicants to familiarise themselves with the main lines of funding planned ahead of the launch of the first calls, which is expected for 11 December 2013.

Calls will be published on the Commission’s Research Participant Portal, a new version of which is due to be launched in early December. 

The External Projects Team has produced a number of factsheets for the different Horizon 2020 funding streams.http://blogs.staffs.ac.uk/research/2013/11/11/horizon-2020-factsheets/


Over €400 billion agreed by the European Parliament

The European Parliament had a busy week last week approving over €400 billion support measures for regional development, research and innovation, lifelong learning, cultural and media European collaboration activities.  The legislative packages for the following programmes have now been agreed by the European Parliament for the 2014 – 2020 programme period:

Horizon 2020 – €70.2 billion for research and innovation (Draft Horizon 2020 work programmes are now available via the European Commission website at http://ec.europa.eu/research/horizon2020/index_en.cfm?pg=h2020-documents. )

Cohesion Policy – €325 billion for growth and job creation through European Regional Development Fund; the European Social Fund; the Cohesion Fund; the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development; and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund. 

Erasmus+ – €14.7 billion for lifelong learning, focussing on student and staff mobility through strategic partnerships.

Creative Europe – €1.4 billion for supporting European culture, media and arts sectors

For more information contact externalprojects@staffs.ac.uk for draft work programmes and help in matching funding to your project ideas.  Find out more about Horizon 2020 and Erasmus + in particular at our annual UKRO event on 11th December – the day the first calls of Horizon 2020 will be launched.