INTERREG EUROPE is the new Interreg IVC programme from 2014 to 2020. More than 800 people met last week (2nd and 3rd December 2014) in Bologna (Italy) for the launch of the new programme. See

With a total budget of €359 million and 4 priority themes (Research and Innovation / SME competitiveness / Low carbon economy / Environment and resource efficiency), Interreg Europe is dedicated to improving public policies. It will support the design of strategies for influencing policy making in regional priority areas.

Here are 10 key points to take into account for developing a project:

  1. At least 3 countries (of which 2 EU member states at least)
  2. Preferably 5 to 10 partners maximum per project (financial beneficiaries).
  3. Maximum project duration: 5 years (4 years minimum).
  4. Between €1 to €2 million of ERDF per project (75% co financing rate for non-profit private sector / 85% co financing rate for public bodies).
  5. Policy makers, such as Local authorities, are key project partners and they need to be directly involved in the projects.
  6. The Lead partner can only be a public body.
  7. The project governance structure is extremely important: a Regional partnership board has to be set up. It will be composed of the competent organisations in the field tackled by the project. This group will need to be informed about the project development and to be brought into peer review visits, workshops, events, etc.-
  8. 5 budget lines: staff costs, administrative costs, travel & accommodation costs, studies, small equipment (office equipment).
  9. 15% of the envelope will support the administrative costs of the project. A €15,000 lump sum will be provided for the preparation cost. Both won’t need any proof or evidence to be claimed.
  10. The first call for proposals will open in April 2015, and will close in Sept 2015. No geographical criteria, no thematic criteria.

Follow the latest developments on

The external projects team is populating a database with all the contacts made at the launch of Interreg Europe. This list will be made available on the CRM system, and it will also be emailed to the Faculties. Alternatively, please contact the external project team to find out more (Marie Pandolfo).

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HEE/NIHR Invitation to Tender for Masters in Clinical Research Studentships

National Institute for Health Research

Health Education England (HEE) and The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) are pleased to announce HEE’s intention to fund 100 masters studentships per year for the academic years 2015/16, 2016/17 and 2017/18.

English HEIs able to offer a masters in clinical research that requires its students to manage and deliver research in a clinical setting are invited to tender for up to 10 studentships per year for each of these academic years.

The masters studentships are an integral component of the clinical academic career pathway provided by the new HEE/ NIHR Integrated Clinical Academic (ICA) Programme. Only registered non-medical/dental healthcare professionals who deliver NHS services will be eligible to receive the studentships; and supported masters courses must be promoted to, accessible to, and relevant to all of the ICA Programme eligible healthcare professions.

The new HEE / NIHR Integrated Clinical Academic Programme is replacing the previous Clinical Academic Training (CAT) and Healthcare Science Research Fellowships programmes and is open to all non-medical/dental healthcare professionals requiring statutory registration.

Tenders must be submitted by 1pm on Thursday 29th January 2015 and will be assessed in the spring by an expert review panel drawn from the pool of HEE/ NIHR ICA Programme Review Panel Members.

Funding is available to support 3 annual and consecutive cohorts of students, the first cohort being required to take up their studentships in autumn 2015.

For further information go to:

Invitation to Tender document.



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Visiting Professorships – funded by the Leverhulme Trust


The Leverhulme Trust invites applications for its visiting professorships. These enable UK institutions to host eminent researchers from overseas, primarily to enhance the skills of academic staff or students at the host institution. Visiting professors may also wish to use the opportunity to further their own academic interests. Any field of research is eligible.

Applications must be made by a member of academic staff, based in a UK university or other higher education institution, who will be responsible for coordinating the visit. Priority is given to new or recent collaborative ventures

Funding covers maintenance, travel expenses and research costs and supports visits that last between three and 12 months. Travel within the UK, laboratory consumables and essential technical assistance may also be covered.

Closing date 07 May 15, Applications due by 4pm

This call is repeated two times a year


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British Academy Rising Star Engagement Awards (BARSEAs) – 2015


A new programme and funding opportunity has been launched by the British Academy designed to extend support of early career researchers working in the Humanities and Social Sciences.

The British Academy Rising Star Engagement Awards (BARSEAs), now open for applications via e-GAP , are intended to enable established early career scholars to become actively engaged in the work of the Academy and to enhance their own skills and career development through:

*the organisation of events,


*mentoring activities

The scheme is *not* an offer to enable a scholar to undertake research.

Applications are invited from early career scholars within 10 years of the award of their doctorate, and ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom. In order to be eligible for this programme, candidates must also be able to demonstrate their academic credentials to be leaders in research through suitable marks of esteem awarded prior to the submission of the application.

Level of award: up to £15,000.

Deadline for submission of applications: 21 January 2015 at 5pm (BST)

 Deadline for Institutional Approval of applications: 22 January 2015 at 5pm (BST)

Results expected: late February 2015

Earliest Start Date for the award to begin: 1st March 2015 and not later than  31st March 2015

For more information on what activities will be supported through this scheme, detailed guidance on what can and cannot be applied for and clarification on eligibility please see the scheme notes which can be found via e-GAP.

All enquiries related to this scheme should be made to

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Launch of INTERREG EUROPE in Bologna (2nd and 3rd December).

IMG_0546audienceMore than 800 people coming from 30 countries attended the launch of the new interregional cooperation programme INTERREG EUROPE in Bologna (Italy) and over 1000 connected online took part in it.

Those present were given the opportunity to share their project ideas at four thematic workshops and numerous networking sessions.

Staffordshire University attended this two-day event, looking at collaboration opportunities with public and private European stakeholders around Research and Innovation. Key contacts were met there, and the relevant information will soon be circulated within the University.

If you missed the event, you can watch the recorded web-streamed part online and have access to the programme and presentations at:

Interreg Europe budget allocation is 359 million Euros for 2014-2020. The first call will be released in April next year. We will soon be posting a new article with the main criteria of the programme.

In the meantime, if you want to know more about Interreg Europe, go to, or contact directly the External Projects Team (Marie Pandolfo or Jose Beech).

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Royal Academy of Engineering Research Chairs and Senior Research Fellowships

Over the past twenty years, the Academy’s Research Chairs (RC) / Senior Fellowships (SRF) scheme has successfully supported numerous academic appointments and enhanced internationally renowned centres of excellence. This scheme aims to strengthen the links between industry and academia by sponsoring leading academics to undertake research of industrial relevance and commercialise its outcomes and deliverables. Awardees are expected to establish or enhance a world leading engineering research group deliver ‘user-inspired’ research that meets the needs of their industrial partners publish the results of their research in high quality peer review journals become sustainable by the end of the award by securing substantial external grant income (RCUK, EU, industry, charities, etc). Applications are now open for UK universities to submit for collaborative research projects in any engineering discipline.

The scheme is currently accepting applications. The submission deadline is 4pm on Monday 2 February 2015.

Please note that there will be two application rounds each year.

See more at:

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Arts Council England : time out to develop artistic practice




The Arts Council of England invites applications for support to R&D activities within the grants for the arts programme. This supports the opportunity for an artist to consider their practice, develop a new idea or a new way of working. The following activities may be supported:

•time to develop new artistic ideas and work;

•retreat or residency opportunities in the UK and internationally;

•access to mentoring and shadowing opportunities;

•access to production and workspace;

•opportunities to go see to further inform your own practice;

•development of new partnerships and networks;

•training and continuing professional development opportunities for artists.

Grants can fund activity outside the UK, but only where there is a clear benefit to artists, arts organisations or audiences in England.

This is an open call without a deadline.

Interested? Contact the External Projects team for futher advice and support.

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Erasmus+ Key Action 3 – Policy Innovation


The EU’s Erasmus Plus programme, invites applications for European forward-looking cooperation projects in education and training, and youth. These will provide in-depth knowledge on target groups, learning, teaching, training or youth work situations and effective methodologies and tools that help policies to develop, as well as conclusions relevant for policy makers in education, training and youth at all levels. The call supports projects in two strands: education and training field, and youth field.

Public or private organisations in education, training and youth or other socioeconomic sectors, or organisations carrying out cross-sector activities are eligible to apply. Applicants should be legal entities based in either a EU member state or in Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Turkey, or Macedonia.

The minimum partnership requirement for this call is three organisations representing three eligible countries.

The total budget available for the co-financing of projects under the present call is €17 million; €15m for the education and training strand, and €2m for the youth strand. The maximum grant per project is €500,000.

Financial contribution from the EU cannot exceed 75 per cent of the total eligible project costs.

Activities must start between 1 November 2015 and 1 January 2016, and the project duration must be between 24 and 36 months.

Closing date 24th February 2015

For further information see

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Marie Sklodowska-Curie innovative training networks

Proposals are invited under Horizon 2020 for Marie Sklodowska-Curie innovative training networks.

This action aims to raise excellence and structure research and doctoral training, extending the traditional academic research training setting, and equipping researchers with the right combination of research-related and transferable competencies.

The different types of networks must be created by at least three beneficiaries or at least two for European industrial doctorates located in three different member states or associated countries.

The overall indicative budget for this call in 2015 is €370 million. Closing date is 13/01/2015.

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EUREKA invites proposals for its Celtic-Plus call


EUREKA aims to develop marketable products and services by concentrating on creating bottom-up, near-market projects generated by the project partners themselves.

EUREKA invites proposals for its Celtic-Plus call. Funding supports projects on the following themes:

•get connected, including network elements and infrastructures;

•while connected, including end-to-end services and applications, digital home, digital enterprises, digital city, digital school, digital transport, e-health, security, privacy and identity;

•future internet relations, including further developments of the network infrastructure, making the internet a high-quality service platform, introducing the Celtic-Plus use case factory and contributing to future internet capacity building and test-cases or platforms;

•green-internet relations, including consideration of environmental issues in information and communication technologies, encouraging better energy efficiency and developing a multidisciplinary approach.

Each project must involve at least two partners from two different countries. Consortia is open to any type of company covering the Celtic-Plus research areas, large industry as well as small companies or universities and research organisations. Companies outside the EUREKA countries may participate as well.

The average budget for a Celtic-Plus consortium is between €1 million and €70m over 24 to 36 months.


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