Best Practice in Social Sciences, Humanities and Interdisciplinary Research


The League of European Research Universities (LERU) has recently published a brochure presenting excellent interdisciplinary Social Sciences and Humanities projects.

The publication includes descriptions of 42 SHH projects run by the LERU member institutions with the support of national or European funding – European Research Councils grants and Framework Programmes’ collaborative research grants.

See the link below to access the LERU brochure.

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SME Funding Event


Enterprise and Commercial Development  were joined yesterday by our UK Research Office (UKRO) representative Blazej Thomas and National Contact Point (NCP) for SME Innovation, Dr Jane Watkins as well as Mudlark owner Charles Hunter for an interactive session on European Funding and SME’s.

(pictured above from left to right, Prof Allan Howells, Dr Jane Watkins, Matthew Hocking, Jose Beech, Blazej Thomas & Charles Hunter)

The all day event, sponsored by EUREKA and hosted by the External Projects Team was held in the Ashley Building, and was designed to stimulate discussion and debate on the routes to EU Horizon 2020 funding for SME’s and local organisations as well as providing insight to academics on funding opportunities within the programme. Over 50 attendees had the opportunity to listen to expert advice as well as question our speakers on the nuts and bolts of European funding.

The slides will be avaliable to all participants, so if you didn’t attend and would like to recieve them please email:


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Call for HEI proposals to host national debates as part of the AHRC’s 10th anniversary


To mark its tenth anniversary in 2015, the Arts and Humanities Research Council will support number of activities for celebrating and promoting the achievements and the role of the arts and humanities research community.

A call, ending on 18th December 2014, invites Higher Education Institutions to host national debates that address the theme ‘The way we live now’, and explore specific aspects of our human world, such as The City, Identity, The Book, Faith, Diversity, The Nation.

A series of five to six national debates are planned to be supported and held at universities and cultural organisations around the UK at intervals during the year. Each debate should feature three to four speakers, and should allow plenty of time for audience participation.

Only one application is accepted per institution. Each debate may receive up to £7,500 from AHRC, with matched funding required from the host organisation. Each organisation may host one or two events.

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New Generation Thinkers 2015 -AHRC


Are you passionate about your research – do you want to get it across to a wider audience?

The AHRC and BBC Radio 3 are looking for applications for the New Generation Thinkers of 2015.

This pioneering scheme aims to develop a new generation of academics who can bring the best of university research and scholarly ideas to a broad audience – through BBC broadcasting. It’s a chance for early career researchers to cultivate the skills to communicate their research findings to those outside the academic community.

Each year, up to sixty successful applicants have a chance to develop their programme-making ideas with experienced BBC producers at a series of dedicated workshops and, of these up to ten will become Radio 3’s resident New Generation Thinkers. They will benefit from a unique opportunity to develop their own programmes for BBC Radio 3 and a chance to regularly appear on air.

BBC Radio 3 and its programmes the Verb, the Essay and the Sunday Feature have provided a platform for debate and commentary from scholars across the world.

The New Generation Thinkers scheme also works with BBC TV Arts who will be looking to develop New Generation Thinkers and their ideas into arts television.

Applicants do not have to be funded by the AHRC to apply; the scheme is open to all early career researchers based in a UK Research Organisation.

We welcome applications from researchers working in all areas of the arts and humanities. This year we are again extending the call for researchers who work in areas of social sciences and medical science whose work intersects with the arts and humanities. There are a series of interfaces, and many areas of common ground between. This can be seen in both cross-council programmes, Connected Communities and Life Long Health and Wellbeing.

The subject coverage for this year’s schemes covers all disciplines covered by the AHRC detailed below, including additional subjects that intersect with the work of sister councils ESRC and MRC.

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InnovationKT 2015 at Staffordshire University: call for conference papers

InnovationKT 2015  – the ‘International Conference on Innovation Through Knowledge Transfer’ is to be hosted by Staffordshire University on its Stoke-on-Trent campus between the 15th and 17th April, and chaired by the Faculty of Computing, Engineering and Sciences’ Dr Matthew Hocking.

InnovationKT 2015 will be of interest to all knowledge transfer professionals – those academics, business people, managers and researchers working with innovation, enterprise, knowledge transfer, exchange and sharing.

Featuring world-class speakers, oral presentation sessions and interactive workshops, the InnovationKT 2015 conference will provide an excellent opportunity to publish a paper in journal and book form, and at the same time disseminate, share and discuss the impact of university-business and business-business interactions.

Papers on relevant topics are invited to be evaluated for the conference under peer-review and if accepted, published in the proceedings. Full papers will be presented and appear in a special edition of ‘InImpact: The Journal of Innovation Impact’ after the conference.

Full details of how to submit papers are available at:

Conference Scope

InnovationKT 2015 covers the following topics (although this list is not intended to be exhaustive):

  • Case studies of successful university-business
  • Examples of best practice in respect of innovation and knowledge transfer from practitioners
  • Innovative innovation and knowledge transfer mechanisms
  • The outcomes and results of university-business and business-business projects
  • Management of projects and development of applicable policy

Applicable knowledge transfer mechanisms and paradigms include, but are not limited to:

  •  The UK Technology Strategy Board (TSB) Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) product
  • Spin-out companies
  • Incubators and entrepreneur schemes
  • University-industry contracts and consultancy
  • Licensing of university-originated intellectual property
  • Other modes of knowledge transfer and technology transfer, e.g. work-based learning projects
  • The knowledge transfer, knowledge origination and knowledge exchange process

Invited Sessions

An invited session consists of a presentation session of 6 to 12 or more papers on a specific conference topic, organised as half or full day mini-conference. We invite senior specialists who have an interest in a specific conference topic to take responsibility for an invited session, gathering papers from a range of research expertise around the world.

If you would like to arrange an Invited Session please contact:

 Dates & Deadlines

Submission of Papers: 19 Jan 2015

Notification of Acceptance: 16 Feb 2015 Upload of Files for Programme / Proceedings: 16 March 2015

Early Registration Deadline: 1 March 2015

All deadlines are provisional and subject to change.

Further information

For further information on InnovationKT 2015 visit the conference website:

Or contact Dr Matthew Hocking: , Tel: 01785 353833

Full details of how to submit papers are available at:

For general enquiries email IKT at: You can also follow  @IKT_Talk and @KESIntl on Twitter for updates.

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Presentations from Info Day on Knowledge Alliances and Sector Skills Alliances Now Available

Slides from the information event about Knowledge Alliances and Sector Skills Alliances under the Erasmus+ Programme organised by the European Commission on 12 November 2014 in Brussels are now available on-line.

The Info Day provided support to applicants for Knowledge Alliances and Sector Skills Alliances in developing their proposals for the deadline of 26 February 2015. It gave networking opportunities to over 300 organisations across Europe.

Knowledge Alliances
The European Commission is supporting Europe’s innovation capacity in higher education, business and the broader socio-economic environment. These are multilateral, transnational, result-driven projects open to any discipline, sector and to cross-sectoral cooperation. Projects need to involve at least 6 organisations from 3 different Programme Countries, of which at least 2 need to be higher education institutions and 2 enterprises.

Sector Skills Alliances
Sector Skills Alliances are transnational projects drawing on evidence of trends in a specific economic sector and skills needed in order to perform in one or more professional fields. The consortia are designing and delivering joint vocational training programmes and teaching and training methodologies. The sectors that are eligible under this action in 2015 are:

  • Manufacturing and Engineering;
  • Commerce;
  • Information and communication technology;
  • Environmental technologies (Eco-innovation);
  • Cultural and creative sectors;
  • Health care;
  • Tourism.

Projects need to involve at least 9 organisations from 3 different Programme Countries. In each country there must be a ‘trio’ composed of: vocational education and training provider(s), organisation(s) with expertise in a particular sector (including research centres) and bodies with regulatory function in education and training systems.

Main funding rules
• Duration: 2 or 3 years;
• Grants: € 700.000 or up to € 1.000.000;
• Grant for implementation support based on staff unit costs (covering all project expenditure) and in duly justified cases for mobility activities.

Further Guidance

More details are available in the Erasmus+ Programme Guide on the Call website. The e-Form and instructions for submission will be published by the EC in December 2014.

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How to strengthen the quality of your bids?


The development of a robust full application is an important element of any project, essential for the approval of funding and as an evolving tool to measure, control and evaluate delivery.

A quality bid is one of the outputs of a strategic approach to project development – the strategy and budget plan underpinning the project are one of the key elements of a successful bid.

Step 1: To build up a strong efficient environment as a background for quality projects.

  • Network to create long-lasting links and to promote the University externally : Make yourself known regionally, nationally and at a European level or more: Network with lobbying organisations, potential partners and funding authorities. Target national or international events and trainings.
  • Understand and target the University and Faculty’s priorities and plans for future: make sure the project you are developing fits the overall plan, as you will need to demonstrate it in your bid.
  • Identify and communicate with key members of staff who will be involved in your projects. Training on funding opportunities might be an option to be considered.
  • Learn lessons from rejected bids: have and ask for feedback from funding contacts about the reasons for their rejection.


Step 2: Identification and development of the project

  • Assess the demand for the project and collect evidence to demonstrate this demand (from a beneficiary point of view as well). Depending on the size of the project, this could take the form of a report from a third party – either an independent study, or a verification of in-house findings.
  • Give evidence of market failure, and explain why the project should be funded by the public sector in general. What is preventing the private sector from solving this problem or exploiting this opportunity?
  • Build up the right team* for the project to be developed and implemented. Make up your team strategically: gathering the right people is vital for creative ideas to construct the content of the project and to share the administrative tasks.

*TIP: Aspects of the team to consider: Interdisciplinary (cross departmental?), collaborative (scholars from other Universities?), other groups external to Higher Education (such as museum, schools, community groups, public policy bodies?). Note that external groups will bring expertise, resources and sometimes financial aid.


Step 3: Identifying the right fund and developing the bid

  • Contact the external project team: Once you have defined your project [it is your project that determinates the fund you will apply for, not the other way around], choosing the right funding programme that fits the project specifications is not an easy task. The External Project Team is your key contact within this step, and will conduct the funding search for you, as well as the bid writing if needed. Please note that bids above £100,000 need the Executives approval. Some online process needs the EPT approval (i.e. Je-S British Academy, Wellcome Trust).
  • Inform the team on the fund modalities. The external project team will also support you in this step. Make sure the persons involved in the project/bid development are aware deadlines, modalities, requirements and criteria of the fund. As well as the audit requirements and reporting requirements if the bid is successful.
  • Create convenient ways of working in order to move the project forward: One or two key people are needed at this stage, to drive the project forward. Develop an agreed timetable with all academics/partners involved for the bid development, with key milestones and clear deadlines for matching the submission deadline. The external project team will help you in defining a time scale for submitting the grant application for concrete to be achieved.
  • Sort out the bid budget: contact your faculties finance staff early to sort out the budget and benefit from their understanding of University’s approach to Full Economic Costing (FEC). Identify the match funding available, which can be from other national or local public funders and private match funders. it can also be in-kind (staff time).
  • Bid writing: the External Project Team can support you. Give enough time to write the bid (drafting and rewriting), make sure the project is compliant with any criteria specified in the relevant grant/call template, and describe how the project supports any relevant internal, regional, national and European plans/strategies/projects.

*TIP: Write a first draft of the whole bid in “bullet point” format, and circulate it to colleagues and collaborators for comments, then collect any additions and changes. Contact the funding body/main contact for a first submission of the draft to get their advice (when permitted).

Don’t forget to identify key milestones, to avoid any delays or key elements:

  • Funding Approval
  • Contract Signature (if applicable)
  • Key deliverable milestones
  • Completion of deliverables
  • Completion of benefits monitoring
  • Payments Complete (note possible retentions for capital projects)
  • Project Close
  • Independent project audit and evaluation
  • Please ensure that both capital and revenue milestones are included.


And don’t give up if the bid is not approved. Get feedback from the funding body and rewrite/rethink your project to be ready to the next call for proposal.  You will be known then and expected to bid again, with a better quality bid.

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H2020 Science in and for Society – New Website


The Directorate-General for Research and Innovation of the European Commission has launched a new thematic website for the “Science with and for Society” part of Horizon 2020.

The site for “Science with and for Society” (SWAFS) has replaced the Science in Society website. The “Science with and for Society” programme is crucial in implementing the Responsible Research and Innovation governance framework.

The new website is easier to navigate and contains more information about all policy areas of the SWAFS programme:

  • Public Engagement;
  • Science Education;
  • Gender Equality;
  • Research Ethics;
  • Open Science (Open Access);
  • Governance.

It is possible to provide the European Commission with feedback on the new portal -which can be found here:

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Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliances and Sector Skills Alliances Actions – Partner Search Tool

The European Commission has launched an on-line partner search tool dedicated to Knowledge Alliances and Sector Skills Alliances Actions of Erasmus+ Programme.

The tool is supporting organisations interested in the current Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliances-Sector Skills Alliances 2015 call for proposals, with the deadline of 26 February 2015, in finding partners for their projects.
The database is searchable by project country, organisation type and project type.

To use the tool, please follow the link  below.



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H2020 call to come: Innovative schemes for open innovation and science 2.0

A Horizon 2020 call, for supporting Universities to become Open Innovation Centres for their region, will be launched on 10/12/2014 with a total budget of €13,670,000.

The term Open Innovation “assumes that firms can and should use external ideas as well as internal ideas, and internal and external paths to market, as they look to advance their technology.” Henry Chesbrough, Open Innovation: Researching a New Paradigm, 2006.

Implementing a model of open innovation is naturally associated with a number of risk and challenges, including the possibility of revealing intellectual property. However, numbers of successful initiatives exist and Universities can act as a trusted intermediary to bring multiple parties together and to allow them to collaborate in a hosted and trusted way.

The actions under this topic will help universities, companies and public authorities to enhance their capacity to engage in science 2.0 and open innovation. They will build or reinforce structures and mechanisms to support effective linkages for innovation between universities and companies and other employment sectors, and provide freely accessible innovation training platforms, including digital platforms.

If you are interested in getting involved with European funded projects and to know more about Horizon 2020, please contact us on to register to: Be a Part of European Funding – Thursday 20 November – LT114/116 Ashley Building, Leek Road, Stoke-on-Trent.

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